Hi all..
2 Questions:
1) How do I control the size of the label when it is printed? via zpl
uploaded 2 files:
0) Label OK.jpg (is the right label) printed with Zebra Designer... direct to printer Zt610
and Label BAD.jpg printed with DOS command but generated with Zebra Designer:
1) (Print to PRN)
2) Share the Printer: Zebra1
3) open Cmd Command
4) Type Command: NET USE LPT1: \\localhost\Zebra1
5) Type Command: Type zpl3.txt > LPT1
and printed: Label BAD.jpg is generated, It was printed similar to point 0, but instead of printing it directly to the printer, it was printed to file
2) how to change the label Lote Code: actually is: Lote Code 2023-07-27 i need be the actual date, opened ZPL file but not see anything about the date, for replace..
3) and how to send the prn file to zebra printer?
I have:
Zebra ZT601 and others Connected via USB
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