FX7500 How to detect antenna connection/disconnection

// Expert user has replied.
A Alan Liang 1 year 7 months ago
12 1 0

Hi everyone, as title i'm developing a program to read tags, but sometime the connection between antennas and reader is not that stable, i want to know is there a method to get the antennas's current conection status?
My programing language is C# framework4.5.2

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1 Replies

J James Swinton-Bland


You need to register for StatusNotify events, which will alert you when an antenna is connected/disconnected.

Theres more detail & code samples in the Host SDK folder which is installed when you download the .NET SDK:

<your_installation_path>/Zebra RFID FXSeries Host .NET SDK/Doc/articles/mang_events.html

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