Zebra DEVPODCAST - Surveying the Savanna

Stacey Kruczek -

In today’s business landscape, customers are faced with challenges to help employees in their environments more effective and efficient. Real time analytics are necessary to properly measure how we can help them. In this podcast, Dan and Mark are joined by Drew Ehlers a Zebra xxxxx on our Savanna team. Savanna is a cloud based IoT platform that enables developers and partners to develop applications. Its approachable, with its value add API layer based on historical events and locationing, Savanna  captures machine data off of Zebra devices  and devices that are not Zebra centric. It’s helping drive real-time analytics and based on specific use cases. With a recent oil energy and gas partner, with any chemical spill or gas leak, when that event happens, working with third party sensor data, the customer can receive notification based on proximity and location in real-time.

Our architecture is not competitive with any of the other cloud platforms out there such as Google and Amazon. Zebra’s Savanna compliments them and currently partners with both. We layer in technologies within our own architecture as well by partnering with them to help our architecture to be the best in class. They are also primarily focused in the go-to-market strategy whereas Zebra is 100% focused on the workflow.

The team will also speak to security and privacy for which Zebra is mindful of. understand what that legislation is and how we deliver value taking into these considerations. Keeping in mind the workflow, the worker and their overall environment. We are taking into consideration these regulations as we deliver applications. Rule sets will be built into the technology. As an end user you can still maintain control – you oversee your own journey.

Learn more about Savanna and how developers can get started as there are numerous market opportunities to connect data and devices in several verticals now.

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Stacey Kruczek

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