bluetooth. bluetooth.discoverable : on , Choices: on,off bluetooth.friendly_name : ZQ310Plus bluetooth.version : 6.2 : 01/01/2020 bluetooth.local_name : ZQ310Plus bluetooth.address : 90:7B:C6:41:C7:06 bluetooth.bluetooth_pin : * bluetooth.short_address : 907BC641C706 bluetooth.radio_version : 4.1 bluetooth.enable : on , Choices: on,off bluetooth.connected : no bluetooth.minimum_security_mode : 1 , Choices: 1,2,3,4 bluetooth.connected_security_mode : nc bluetooth.bonding : on , Choices: on,off bluetooth.clear_bonding_cache bluetooth.enable_reconnect : iOS_only , Choices: off,iOS_only bluetooth.allow_non_display_numeric_comparison : print , Choices: off,print,no print bluetooth.le. bluetooth.le.controller_mode : both , Choices: both,classic,le bluetooth.le.power_class : 2 , Choices: 2-2 bluetooth.json_config_channel_enable : on , Choices: on,off bluetooth.page_scan_window : 60 , Choices: 15,60 bluetooth.power_class : 2 , Choices: 2-2 bluetooth.disconnect_idle_link : yes , Choices: yes,no bluetooth.sniff_mode_enable : enabled , Choices: enabled,disabled card. card.inserted : Not Inserted card.cisproc : Processed card.mfgid : card.cardid : card.fncode : 000c card.idtext1 : card.idtext2 : card.idtext3 : card.idtext4 : card.fcrbase : Not Detected card.fcrlist : NONE DETECTED card.defcfg : Not Detected card.cor : Not Present card.mac_addr : 00:00:00:00:00:00 card.mac_raw : 000000000000 card.enable : on , Choices: on,off comm. head. head.latch : ok head.resolution. head.resolution.in_dpi : 203 head.element_test : Please Run Test ip. ip.dhcp. ip.dhcp.enable : on , Choices: on,off ip.dhcp.cid_type : 1 , Choices: 0,1,2 ip.dhcp.cid_prefix : ip.dhcp.cid_value : 000000000000 ip.dhcp.requests_per_session : 2 , Choices: 1-10 ip.dhcp.request_timeout : 2 , Choices: 2-30 ip.dhcp.session_interval : 10 , Choices: 0-60 : 0 : 0 : : 0 ip.dhcp.cache_ip : off , Choices: on,off ip.dhcp.vendor_class_id : Zebra Technologies ZTC ZQ310 Plus-203dpi CPCL ip.dhcp.user_class_id : ip.dhcp.option12 : on , Choices: on,off ip.dhcp.option12_format : ip.dhcp.option12_value : ZQ310Plus ip.dhcp.cid_enable : off , Choices: on,off ip.dhcp.cid_suffix : 000000000000 ip.dhcp.cid_all : 000000000000 ip.dhcp.arp_verify : off , Choices: on,off ip.dhcp.auto_provision_enable : on , Choices: on,off ip.dhcp.ntp. ip.dhcp.ntp.enable : off , Choices: on,off ip.dhcp.ntp.received_servers : ip.ftp. ip.ftp.enable : on , Choices: on,off ip.ftp.execute_file : off , Choices: on,off ip.ftp.request_password : no , Choices: yes,no ip.lpd. ip.lpd.enable : on , Choices: on,off ip.tcp. ip.tcp.enable : on , Choices: on,off ip.tcp.nagle_algorithm : enabled , Choices: enabled,disabled ip.udp. ip.udp.enable : on , Choices: on,off ip.http. ip.http.enable : on , Choices: on,off ip.http.admin_name : admin ip.http.admin_password : * ip.http.port : 80 , Choices: 0-65535 ip.http.faq_url : ip.http.custom_link_name : ip.http.custom_link_url : ip.smtp. ip.smtp.enable : on , Choices: on,off ip.smtp.server_addr : ip.smtp.domain : ip.pop3. ip.pop3.enable : on , Choices: on,off ip.pop3.print_headers : off , Choices: on,off ip.pop3.verbose_headers : off , Choices: on,off ip.pop3.print_body : off , Choices: on,off ip.pop3.save_attachments : off , Choices: on,off ip.pop3.poll : 240 , Choices: 0-65535 ip.pop3.username : ip.pop3.password : * ip.pop3.server_addr : ip.pop3.print_attachments : off , Choices: on,off ip.snmp. ip.snmp.enable : on , Choices: on,off ip.snmp.get_community_name : * ip.snmp.set_community_name : * ip.snmp.create_mib ip.snmp.trap_community_name : public ip.addr : ip.netmask : ip.gateway : ip.port : 6101 , Choices: 0-65535 ip.remote : ip.ping_remote ip.netstat : Active Internet connections Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State udp 0 0 *.* *.* ip.bootp. ip.bootp.enable : on , Choices: on,off ip.mirror. : off , Choices: on,off ip.mirror.username : user ip.mirror.password : * ip.mirror.server : ip.mirror.path : Zebra ip.mirror.freq : 0 , Choices: 0-65535 ip.mirror.fetch ip.mirror.version : Jan 23 2023 23:01:59 ip.mirror.freq_hours : 0 , Choices: 0-100 ip.mirror.error_retry : 0 , Choices: 0-65535 : off , Choices: on,off : Zebra/feedback : 0 , Choices: 0-65535 : 0 , Choices: 0-4294967295 ip.mirror.success : no ip.mirror.success_time : Jan 23 2023 00:00:12 ip.mirror.last_time : Jan 23 2023 00:00:12 ip.mirror.last_error : No Error ip.mirror.mode : ftp , Choices: ftp,sftp ip.mirror.reset_delay : 5 , Choices: 0-900 ip.mirror.interface : both , Choices: both,wired,wireless ip.mirror.appl_path : ip.ping_len : 56 , Choices: 56-2048 ip.dns. ip.dns.domain : ip.dns.servers : ip.discovery. ip.discovery.enable : on , Choices: on,off ip.discovery.port : 4201 , Choices: 1-65535 ip.roam_packet : on , Choices: on,off ip.arp_interval : 0 , Choices: 0-30 ip.primary_network : 2 , Choices: 2 ip.active_network : unknown ip.ntp. ip.ntp.enable : off , Choices: on,off ip.ntp.servers : ip.ntp.log ip.port_alternate : 9100 , Choices: 0-65535 ip.port_json_config : 9200 , Choices: 0-65535 ip.port_single_conn : 9300 , Choices: 0-65535 ip.port_single_conn_idle_timeout : 180 , Choices: 0-3600 ip.tls. ip.tls.enable : on , Choices: on,off ip.tls.port : 9143 , Choices: 0-65535 ip.tls.port_json_config : 9243 , Choices: 0-65535 ip.https. ip.https.enable : on , Choices: on,off ip.https.port : 443 , Choices: 0-65535 ip.firewall. ip.firewall.whitelist_in : ip.firewall.proxy : ip.firewall.authentication. ip.firewall.authentication.add ip.firewall.authentication.remove ip.firewall.authentication.entries : ip.ping_gateway_interval : 0 , Choices: 0-30 label. label.x_move : 0 , Choices: -383-383 label.y_move : 0 , Choices: -32768-32767 label.reprint media. media.status : ok media.sense_mode : bar , Choices: bar,gap media.tof : 0 , Choices: -400.0-400.0 media.type : journal , Choices: label,journal media.bar_location : front , Choices: front media.width_sense. media.width_sense.enable : off , Choices: off media.width_sense.in_mm : 48.0 media.width_sense.in_cm : 4.80 media.width_sense.in_dots : 384 media.width_sense.in_inches : 1.892 media.printmode : tear off , Choices: tear off,peel off,rewind,cutter,delayed cut,linerless peel,linerless rewind,linerless tear,applicator,linerless cut,linrless dly cut,stream media.speed : 3.6 , Choices: 1.0-5.0 media.feed_length : 100 , Choices: 0-20000 media.feed_skip : 35 , Choices: 0-50 media.draft_mode : off , Choices: on,off media.part_number : media.serial_number : media.backfeed : N , Choices: N,A,O,B,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80 sensor. sensor.paper_supply : ok sensor.peeler : clear sensor.recall_factory_cal sensor.peeler_present : Not Present sensor.width. sensor.width.cur : 48 sensor.width.in_dots : 384 sensor.front_bar. sensor.front_bar.brightness : 140 sensor.front_bar.gain : 118 sensor.front_bar.offset : 0 sensor.front_bar.thold : 70 sensor.front_bar.cur : 1 sensor.front_bar.ppr_out_thold : 70 sensor.head. sensor.head.temp : 49 sensor.head.temp_celsius : 31 sensor.head.temp_avg : 31 sensor.battery. sensor.battery.cur : 0 sensor.battery.in_volts : 8.2 sensor.battery.avg : 255 sensor.ambient_temperature. sensor.ambient_temperature.current_reading : sensor.ambient_humidity. sensor.ambient_humidity.current_reading : sensor.object_temperature. sensor.object_temperature.current_reading : sensor.proximity. sensor.proximity.current_reading : sensor.ambient_light. sensor.ambient_light.current_reading : sensor.air_pressure. sensor.air_pressure.current_reading : sensor.magnetometer. sensor.magnetometer.current_reading : wlan. wlan.operating_mode : infrastructure , Choices: infrastructure wlan.essid : wlan.current_essid : wlan.station_name : ZEBRA wlan.current_tx_rate : 1.0 wlan.associated : no wlan.leap_mode : off , Choices: on,off wlan.leap_username : wlan.leap_password : * wlan.power_save : on , Choices: on,off wlan.preamble : long , Choices: long,short wlan.bssid : 00:00:00:00:00:00 wlan.firmware_version : 00.00.00 wlan.signal_strength : 0 wlan.poor_signal_threshold : 0 , Choices: 0-100 wlan.international_mode : off , Choices: on,off wlan.roam. wlan.roam.signal : 40 , Choices: 1-75 wlan.roam.interval : 5 , Choices: 5-255 wlan.roam.interchannel_delay : 400 , Choices: 10-30000 wlan.roam.max_chan_scan_time : 100 , Choices: 10-500 wlan.roam.rssi : 80 , Choices: 60-125 wlan.roam.max_fail : 10 , Choices: 2-75 wlan.roam.monitor : off , Choices: off,print,file wlan.channel_mask, Choices: 14 bits : wlan.wpa. wlan.wpa.enable : off , Choices: on,off wlan.wpa.authentication : psk , Choices: psk,leap,peap,eap-tls,ttls,fast wlan.wpa.psk : * wlan.wpa.wpa_version : none wlan.wpa.groupkey_ciphersuite : NONE wlan.wpa.pairwise_ciphersuite : NONE wlan.wpa.timecheck : yes , Choices: yes,no wlan.8021x. wlan.8021x.enable : off , Choices: off,on,wpa wlan.8021x.authentication : psk , Choices: psk,leap,peap,eap-tls,ttls,fast wlan.8021x.ttls_tunnel : pap , Choices: pap,chap,mschap,mschapv2 wlan.8021x.peap. wlan.8021x.peap.peap_username : wlan.8021x.peap.peap_password : * wlan.8021x.peap.privkey_password : * wlan.8021x.peap.validate_server_certificate : on , Choices: on,off wlan.8021x.peap.anonymous_identity : wlan.8021x.eap. wlan.8021x.eap.username : wlan.8021x.eap.password : * wlan.8021x.eap.privkey_password : * wlan.adhocchannel : 1 , Choices: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 wlan.adhocautomode : off , Choices: on,off wlan.enable : off , Choices: on,off wlan.encryption_optional : no , Choices: yes,no wlan.adhoc_last_channel wlan.secure_ssid : off , Choices: on,off wlan.ip. wlan.ip.addr : wlan.ip.netmask : wlan.ip.gateway : wlan.ip.port : 6101 , Choices: 0-65535 wlan.ip.arp_interval : 0 , Choices: 0-30 wlan.ip.dhcp. wlan.ip.dhcp.requests_per_session : 2 , Choices: 1-10 wlan.ip.dhcp.request_timeout : 2 , Choices: 2-30 wlan.ip.dhcp.session_interval : 10 , Choices: 0-60 : 0 : 0 : : 0 wlan.ip.dhcp.cache_ip : off , Choices: on,off wlan.ip.dhcp.cid_type : 1 , Choices: 0,1,2 wlan.ip.dhcp.cid_prefix : wlan.ip.dhcp.cid_enable : off , Choices: on,off wlan.ip.dhcp.cid_suffix : 000000000000 wlan.ip.dhcp.cid_all : 000000000000 wlan.ip.dhcp.option12 : on , Choices: on,off wlan.ip.dhcp.option12_format : wlan.ip.dhcp.option12_value : ZQ310Plus wlan.ip.dhcp.arp_verify : off , Choices: on,off wlan.ip.dhcp.required : on , Choices: on,off wlan.ip.protocol : all , Choices: all,bootp,dhcp,dhcp and bootp,gleaning only,rarp,permanent wlan.ip.default_addr_enable : on , Choices: off,on,saved_ip wlan.ip.timeout. wlan.ip.timeout.enable : on , Choices: on,off wlan.ip.timeout.value : 300 , Choices: 1-3600 wlan.ip.dns. wlan.ip.dns.domain : wlan.ip.dns.servers : wlan.ip.wins. wlan.ip.wins.addr : wlan.ip.wins.permanent_source : off , Choices: on,off wlan.ip.port_alternate : 9100 , Choices: 0-65535 wlan.ip.port_json_config : 9200 , Choices: 0-65535 wlan.keep_alive. wlan.keep_alive.enable : on , Choices: on,off wlan.keep_alive.timeout : 15 , Choices: 5-300 : none , Choices: none,eap-tls,eap-ttls,eap-fast,peap,leap,wpa psk,wpa eap-tls,wpa eap-ttls,wpa eap-fast,wpa peap,wpa leap wlan.private_key_password : * wlan.username : wlan.password : * wlan.mac_addr : 00:00:00:00:00:00 wlan.mac_raw : 000000000000 wlan.11n. wlan.11n.greenfield : on , Choices: on,off wlan.11n.short_gi_40mhz : off , Choices: on,off wlan.11n.short_gi_20mhz : off , Choices: on,off wlan.11n.rifs : off , Choices: on,off wlan.11n.20mhz_only : off , Choices: on,off wlan.11n.amsdu : off , Choices: on,off wlan.region_code : rest of world wlan.country_code : not selected , Choices: not selected wlan.user_channel_list : all , Choices: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,all wlan.allowed_band : all , Choices: 2.4,5,all wlan.waveagent. wlan.waveagent.enable : off , Choices: on,off wlan.waveagent.udp_port : 18100 , Choices: 1-64000 wlan.permitted_channels : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 wlan.active_channels : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 wlan.11d. wlan.11d.enable : off , Choices: on,off wlan.11d.current_country : not available wlan.11d.discovered_channels : not available wlan.authenticated : no wlan.available : no wlan.authentication_error : none wlan.regulatory_data_version : 1.76 wlan.rts_cts_enabled : off , Choices: on,off wlan.11ac. wlan.11ac.short_gi_80mhz : off , Choices: on,off wlan.11ac.ldpc : off , Choices: on,off wlan.11ac.stbc : off , Choices: on,off wlan.11ac.80mhz_enable : on , Choices: on,off wlan.pmf : enabled , Choices: disabled,enabled,required wlan.band_preference : none , Choices: 2.4,5,none display. memory. memory.flash_size : 50331648 Bytes memory.ram_size : 4177920 Bytes memory.flash_free : 46702592 Bytes Free memory.ram_free : 3502080 Bytes Free power. power.voltage : 8.37 power.percent_full : 100% Full power.status : ok power.low_battery_timeout : 60 Seconds , Choices: 0-8191 power.low_battery_timeout_alt : 60 , Choices: 0-8191 power.inactivity_timeout : 36000 Seconds , Choices: 0-65535 power.inactivity_timeout_alt : 36000 , Choices: 0-65535 power.dtr_power_off : off , Choices: on,off power.shutdown power.ascii_graph : Þ²²²²²Ã power.power_on_cycles : 28 power.low_battery_audio_alert : 0 , Choices: 0-65535 power.low_battery_text_alert : power.design_capacity : 2280 mAh power.manufacture_date : 5-28-2023 power.relative_state_of_charge : 100 % power.serial_number : 14823TCT5189Z3H power.temperature : 32.25 power.cycle_count : 1 power.average_time_to_empty : 65535 mins power.average_time_to_full : 65535 mins power.full_charge_capacity : 2388 mAh power.remaining_capacity : 2388 mAh : good power.percent_health : 100 power.date_first_used : XX-XX-XXXX power.cradle_shutdown_timeout : 0 , Choices: 0-65535 power.average_current : 0 mA power.absolute_state_of_charge : 104 power.current : 0 mA power.part_number : P1083277-002 power.cell_mdel_num : NCA653864S power.decom_thold_perc : 80 , Choices: 0-100 power.temp_low : 21 power.temp_high : 40 power.chgr_status : complete,battery present power.learning_required : no power.battery_type : ppp power.label_queue. power.label_queue.shutdown : no , Choices: yes,no power.sleep. power.sleep.enable : on , Choices: on,off power.sleep.timeout : 1200 , Choices: 0-65535 power.sleep.cradle : disabled , Choices: enabled,disabled power.sleep.unassociated : on , Choices: on,off power.wake. : on , Choices: on file. file.dir : - DIR *:*.* * E:BIG5.DAT 54840 * E:BIG5HK.DAT 73632 * E:CGTRI_N.FNT 45407 * E:CG_TIMES.TTF 62252 * E:CG_TRIUMVIRATE.TTF 63560 * E:EFONT_A.TTF 35356 * E:EFONT_B.TTF 34176 * E:EFONT_C.TTF 34316 * E:FONTM.FNT 12716 * E:FONTOA08.FNT 7040 * E:FONTOA12.FNT 9316 * E:FONTOB08.FNT 10177 * E:FONTS.FNT 8041 * E:FONTU.FNT 6910 * E:FONTWB.FNT 25396 * E:FONTWL.FNT 51829 * E:FONTXB.FNT 43353 * E:FONTXB_FIXED.FNT 69748 * E:FONTXL.FNT 44540 * E:FONTXL_FIXED.FNT 69718 * E:FONTXM.FNT 16058 * E:FONTXM_FIXED.FNT 19273 * E:FONTXS.FNT 10036 * E:FONTXS_FIXED.FNT 15130 * E:FONTXU.FNT 6919 * E:FONTXU_FIXED.FNT 6919 * E:GB18030.DAT 95760 * E:JIS.DAT 28232 * E:M_BOLD.TTF 19920 * E:M_CG_6PT.TTF 57692 * E:M_CG_BOLD.TTF 74640 * E:M_CP0.DAT 1024 * E:M_CP1.DAT 1024 * E:M_CP437.DAT 1024 * E:M_CP850.DAT 1024 * E:M_HR1.TTF 7184 * E:M_HR2.TTF 7192 * E:M_REDUCED.TTF 19964 * E:M_STANDARD.TTF 23004 * E:PC437.DAT 1024 * E:PC850.DAT 1024 * E:PC850SPAINI.DAT 1024 * E:S_CP737.DAT 1024 * E:S_CP850_0.DAT 1024 * E:S_CP850_1.DAT 1024 * E:S_CP864.DAT 1024 * E:S_CP885.DAT 1024 * E:S_HELVETICA_A.TTF 66424 * E:S_HELVETICA_B.TTF 66776 * E:S_ISO_8859_1.DAT 1024 * E:S_ISO_8859_2.DAT 1024 * E:S_ISO_8859_5.DAT 1024 * E:TT0003M_.TTF 169188 * E:UHANGUL.DAT 45072 * Z:0.TTF 125904 P 0 * Z:A.FNT 6839 P A * Z:AZTEC.BAR 0 P * Z:B.FNT 7746 P B * Z:BTSYMBOL.PCX 884 P * Z:CODABAR.BAR 0 P * Z:CODABLK.BAR 0 P * Z:CODE11.BAR 0 P * Z:CODE128.BAR 0 P * Z:CODE39.BAR 0 P * Z:CODE49.BAR 0 P * Z:CODE93.BAR 0 P * Z:D.FNT 10648 P CD * Z:E12.FNT 15691 P * Z:E24.FNT 47056 P * Z:E6.FNT 8520 P * Z:E8.FNT 10893 P E * Z:EAN-13.BAR 0 P * Z:EAN-8.BAR 0 P * Z:ELEMENTOUT.ZPL 3830 P * Z:F.FNT 13275 P F * Z:FIRSTDOTLOCATION.ZPL 10420 P * Z:G.FNT 49663 P G * Z:GS.FNT 5470 P ? * Z:H12.FNT 11536 P * Z:H24.FNT 30436 P * Z:H6.FNT 7247 P * Z:H8.FNT 7825 P H * Z:I2OF5.BAR 0 P * Z:IDMATRIX.BAR 0 P * Z:IMAGECOMPRESSION.ZPL 9524 P * Z:IND2OF5.BAR 0 P * Z:INDEX.SHTML 6500 P * Z:LOGMARS.BAR 0 P * Z:LOGO.PNG 20154 P * Z:MAXICODE.BAR 0 P * Z:MIB200.TXT 45319 P * Z:MICROPDF.BAR 0 P * Z:MSICODE.BAR 0 P * Z:P.FNT 116 P P * Z:PDF417.BAR 0 P * Z:PLANETCD.BAR 0 P * Z:PLESSEY.BAR 0 P * Z:POSTNET.BAR 0 P * Z:PRINTBTMAC.CMD 287 P * Z:Q.FNT 116 P Q * Z:QRCODE.BAR 0 P * Z:R.FNT 116 P R * Z:REGDB.NRD 539879 P * Z:RSS.BAR 0 P * Z:S.FNT 116 P S * Z:S2OF5.BAR 0 P * Z:T.FNT 116 P T * Z:TLC39.BAR 0 P * Z:TWO_KEY_MESSAGE.BMP 8704 P * Z:U.FNT 116 P U * Z:UIF.SS 11596 P * Z:UPC-A.BAR 0 P * Z:UPC-E.BAR 0 P * Z:UPC-EAN.BAR 0 P * Z:UTT.SS 11588 P * Z:V.FNT 116 P V - 3502080 bytes free R: RAM - 46702592 bytes free E: ONBOARD FLASH file.type : "?" file.delete file.print file.rename file.dir_format : zpl , Choices: cpcl,zpl file.drive_info file.drive_listing file.capture_response. file.capture_response.begin file.capture_response.end file.capture_response.destination : printer_file , Choices: printer_file,usb_file file.cert. file.cert.expiration file.cert.supported_curves odometer. odometer.user_label_count : 30 , Choices: 0-4294967295 odometer.user_label_count1 : 35 odometer.user_label_count2 : 35 odometer.total_label_count : 35 odometer.total_print_length : 138 INCHES, 353 CENTIMETERS odometer.net_media_length : 99 INCHES, 254 CENTIMETERS odometer.latch_open_count : 5 , Choices: 0-4294967295 odometer.label_dot_length : 34 odometer.media_marker_count : 4 odometer.media_marker_count1 : 138 INCHES, 353 CENTIMETERS odometer.media_marker_count2 : 138 INCHES, 353 CENTIMETERS odometer.headclean : 138 INCHES, 353 CENTIMETERS odometer.headnew : 138 INCHES, 353 CENTIMETERS odometer.rfid. appl. : 1/23/2023 : V101.21.24Z appl.version : 10121 appl.bootblock : N101_21_19P64361-v19 appl.link_os_version : 6.7 device. device.reset device.restore_defaults, Choices: wlan,ip,power,bluetooth,all,device.alerts device.prompted_network_reset, Choices: yes,no device.sensor_profile : print , Choices: print,store,reply device.friendly_name : ZQ310Plus device.company_name : Zebra Technologies device.product_name : ZQ310 Plus device.product_name_submodel : rugged device.company_contact : device.location : device.position. device.position.latitude : 0.000000 , Choices: -90.000000-90.000000 device.position.longitude : 0.000000 , Choices: -180.000000-180.000000 device.position.altitude : 0.000000 , Choices: -10000.000000-406700000.000000 device.position.accuracy : 0.000000 , Choices: 0.000000-406700000.000000 device.status : ready , Choices: ready,busy device.idle_display_format : fw version , Choices: fw version,ip address,mm/dd/yyyy 24 hr,mm/dd/yyyy 12 hr,dd/mm/yyyy 24 hr,dd/mm/yyyy 12 hr device.idle_display_value : device.sensor_select : reflective , Choices: reflective,transmissive device.jobs_print : 1 device.languages : line_print , Choices: hybrid_xml_zpl,line_print,zpl device.cph_enable : off , Choices: on,off device.cph_interval : 0 , Choices: 0-65535 device.macro_get : device.user_p1 : device.user_p2 : device.uptime : 00 days 01 hours 57 mins 54 secs device.volume : high , Choices: high,medium,low,off device.printhead. device.printhead.serialnum : No Serial Number Available device.printhead.resolution : 8.0 device.printhead.test. device.printhead.test.summary : 0,A,0000,0000,0000 device.frontpanel. device.unique_id : XXZGJ232701260 device.xml. device.xml.enable : on , Choices: on,off device.ff_disable : off , Choices: on,off device.pnp_option : cpcl , Choices: cpcl,zpl device.pnp_string : MANUFACTURER:Zebra Technologies ;COMMAND SET:CPCL;MODEL:ZTC ZQ310 Plus (CPCL);CLASS:PRINTER;OPTIONS:XML; device.download_connection_timeout : 0 , Choices: 0-65535 device.download_interactive_mode : off , Choices: on,off device.save_2key : off , Choices: on,off,now device.print_2key : device.print_reprogram_2key : on , Choices: on,off device.epl_legacy_mode : off device.cpcl_synchronous_mode : off , Choices: on,off device.command_override. device.command_override.add device.command_override.clear device.command_override.list : : yes , Choices: yes,no device.oem. device.oem.home_url : device.oem.support_url : device.oem.manufacturer_name : Zebra Technologies device.oem.model_name : ZTC ZQ310 Plus-203dpi CPCL device.host_identification : ZQ310 Plus-200dpi,V101.21.24Z,8,4080KB device.host_status : 159,0,0,0609,000,0,0,0,000,0,0,0 128,0,0,0,0,2,3,0,00000000,1,000 0000,0 device.super_host_status device.pause device.unpause device.serial_numbers. : device.serial_numbers.mlb_date : device.serial_numbers.option_board : device.serial_numbers.option_board_date : device.serial_numbers.control_panel : device.serial_numbers.control_panel_date : device.ltu_installed : no device.cutter_installed : no device.rewinder_installed : no device.bluetooth_installed : yes device.print_out_report, Choices: settings,network,formats,images,fonts,barcodes,all,sensor profile device.diagnostic_print : disabled , Choices: disabled,enabled device.job_log. device.job_log.total_jobs : 2 device.print_geometry_revision : 0 device.user_vars. device.user_vars.create device.user_vars.set_range device.docked : no device.syslog. device.syslog.enable : off , Choices: on,off device.syslog.configuration : device.syslog.save_local_file : no , Choices: yes,no device.syslog.log_max_file_size : 10000 , Choices: 10000-400000 device.syslog.entries device.syslog.clear_log device.feature. device.feature.mfi : present device.feature.mcr : not available device.feature.bluetooth_le : present device.feature.nfc : not available device.feature.ribbon_cartridge : not available device.feature.lock : not available device.feature.802_11ac : not present device.feature.applicator : not available device.feature.lighted_arrows : not available device.feature.head_element_test : present device.feature.battery : present device.configuration_number : ZQ31-A0E04TE-00 device.alerts. : cover_open:high,media_out:high,battery_low:high,replace_battery:high device.pmcu. device.pmcu.revision : 19 device.pmcu.desired_revision : 19 device.mcu_communication. device.mcu_communication.revision : 0 device.mcu_communication.desired_revision : 0 device.current_configuration_number : ZQ31-A0E04TE-00 device.set_clock_to_build_date : enabled , Choices: enabled,disabled device.protected_mode : off device.protected_mode_allowed : yes device.allow_firmware_downloads : yes , Choices: yes,no device.zuid : XXZGJ2327012609C98615DD7391143 device.fips. device.fips.enabled : no , Choices: no : not valid input. input.capture : off , Choices: print,run,usb_host,off print. print.contrast : 0 , Choices: 0-3 print.tone : 0 , Choices: -100..200 print.tone_format : cpcl , Choices: cpcl,zpl print.tone_zpl : 10.0 , Choices: 0.0-30.0 print.cold_temp_comp : on , Choices: on,off print.print_adj : 0 , Choices: -127-128 print.troubleshooting_label_choices : darkness , Choices: darkness,first dot location,print line,image compression,element out print.troubleshooting_label_print print.legacy_compatibility : off , Choices: off print.invert_label : off , Choices: on,off rtc. rtc.time : 01:57:55 : 01-23-2023 rtc.timezone : UTC00 rtc.exists : no rtc.unix_timestamp : 1674439075 , Choices: 0-4294967295 usb. usb.device. usb.device.vendor_id : 0x0A5F usb.device.product_id : 0x01D2 usb.device.device_version : 1.1 usb.device.product_string : ZTC ZQ310 Plus-203dpi CPCL usb.device.manufacturer_string : Zebra Technologies usb.device.serial_string : ZQ310 Plus usb.device.device_id_string : MANUFACTURER:Zebra Technologies ;COMMAND SET:CPCL;MODEL:ZTC ZQ310 Plus (CPCL);CLASS:PRINTER;OPTIONS:XML; usb.device.device_unique_id : off , Choices: on,off usb.connected : yes log. log.reboot. log.reboot.code : 1 log.reboot.reason : device.reset command : 17b00b5bb550b711bbb0b008000fffff : device.reset command Idle timeout Off key Other Other Off key Low battery shutdown Off key Off key Low battery shutdown Low battery shutdown Other Off key Idle timeout device.reset command device.reset command Off key Off key Off key Other Off key Other Other New OS reprogramming Other Other Other no data no data no data no data no data netmanage. netmanage.type : none , Choices: none,avalanche netmanage.status_code : 0 netmanage.state_code : 0 netmanage.error_code : 0 netmanage.avalanche. netmanage.avalanche.model_name : netmanage.avalanche.interval : 60000 , Choices: 0-4294967295 netmanage.avalanche.startup_update : off , Choices: on,off netmanage.avalanche.interval_update : off , Choices: on,off netmanage.avalanche.agent_addr : netmanage.avalanche.available_agent : netmanage.avalanche.available_port : 1 , Choices: 1-65535 netmanage.avalanche.encryption_type : 0 , Choices: 0-255 netmanage.avalanche.udp_timeout : 3000 , Choices: 0-4294967295 netmanage.avalanche.tcp_connection_timeout : 3000 , Choices: 0-4294967295 netmanage.avalanche.terminal_id : 0 , Choices: 0-65535 netmanage.avalanche.realtime_update_int : 300 , Choices: 0-4294967295 netmanage.avalanche.text_msg. netmanage.avalanche.text_msg.print : off , Choices: on,off netmanage.avalanche.text_msg.display : off , Choices: on,off netmanage.avalanche.text_msg.beep : off , Choices: on,off netmanage.avalanche.set_property zbi. zbi.revision : ZBI Version 2.1 zbi.enable : on , Choices: on,off zbi.state : off zbi.last_error : zbi.program_list, Choices: fill,execute zbi.start_info. zbi.start_info.file_name : *:\.BAZ zbi.start_info.memory_alloc : 0 zbi.start_info.execute zbi.control. zbi.control.terminate zbi.control.break zbi.control.restart zbi.control.step zbi.control.variable_name : zbi.control.variable_value : zbi.control.add_breakpoint zbi.control.delete_breakpoint zbi.control.clear_breakpoints zbi.control.line_number : 0 zbi.reseller_key zbi.key : DISABLED zbi.running_program_name : zbi.key_version : 1.1 zpl. zpl.calibrate zpl.relative_darkness : 0 , Choices: -300-300 zpl.label_length : 609 , Choices: 1-32000 zpl.label_length_always : no , Choices: yes,no zpl.left_position : 0 , Choices: -9999-9999 zpl.format_prefix : ^ (5E) , Choices: 00-FF,00-ff zpl.command_prefix : ~ (7E) , Choices: 00-FF,00-ff zpl.delimiter : , (2C) , Choices: 00-FF,00-ff zpl.zpl_mode : zpl II , Choices: zpl II,zpl zpl.system_status : 0,0,00000000,00000000,0,00000000,00000000 zpl.system_error : 0,0,00000000,00000000 zpl.no_errors_boot_done : yes zpl.print_orientation : nor , Choices: nor,inv zpl.label_top : 0 , Choices: -120-120 internal_wired. rfid. interface. : no : unknown : : : : all , Choices: all,bootp,dhcp,dhcp and bootp,gleaning only,rarp,permanent : on , Choices: off,on,saved_ip : : 0 , Choices: 0-30 : 00:00:00:00:00:00 : 000000000000 : : : : unknown : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : Unknown line_print. line_print.buffer_height : 2400 , Choices: 412-2400 apl. apl.enable : none , Choices: apl-e,apl-m,apl-s,pdf,none apl.framework_version : 1.4 apl.version : none apl.installed_versions : apl-e:2.07,apl-m:1.18,apl-s:1.23,pdf:2.06,,, apl.settings : apl.o. apl.o.graphics_byte_width : 48 , Choices: 0-255 formats. formats.cancel_all : ezpl. ezpl.print_width : 384 , Choices: 2-384 ezpl.media_type : continuous , Choices: continuous,mark ezpl.print_method : direct thermal , Choices: direct thermal ezpl.tear_off : 0 , Choices: -120-120 ezpl.print_mode : tear off , Choices: tear off,peel off,rewind,cutter,delayed cut,linerless peel,linerless rewind,linerless tear,applicator,linerless cut,linrless dly cut,stream ezpl.reprint_mode : off , Choices: on,off ezpl.head_close_action : feed , Choices: calibrate,feed,length,no motion,short cal ezpl.power_up_action : no motion , Choices: calibrate,feed,length,no motion,short cal ezpl.label_length_max : 15 , Choices: 1.0-39.0 ezpl.manual_calibration : complete , Choices: inProgress,complete ezpl.label_sensor : 70 , Choices: 0-255 ezpl.take_label : , Choices: 0-255 ezpl.restore_defaults, Choices: reload printer,reload network alerts. alerts.configured : COLD START,SNMP,Y,N,,162,N alerts.add alerts.conditions : ALL MESSAGES, PAPER OUT, RIBBON OUT, HEAD TOO HOT, HEAD COLD, HEAD OPEN, SUPPLY TOO HOT, RIBBON IN, REWIND, CUTTER JAMMED, PRINTER PAUSED, PQ JOB COMPLETED, LABEL READY, HEAD ELEMENT BAD, BASIC RUNTIME, BASIC FORCED, POWER ON, CLEAN PRINTHEAD, MEDIA LOW, RIBBON LOW, REPLACE HEAD, BATTERY LOW, RFID ERROR, MOTOR OVERTEMP, PRINTHEAD SHUTDOWN, COLD START, SGD SET, SHUTTING DOWN, RESTARTING, NO READER PRESENT, THERMISTOR FAULT, INVALID HEAD, COUNTRY CODE ERROR, PMCU DOWNLOAD, RIBBON AUTH ERROR, ODOMETER TRIGGERED, COUNTRY CODE, BATTERY MISSING, MEDIA CARTRIDGE, MEDIA CARTRIDGE LOAD FAILURE, MEDIA CARTRIDGE EJECT FAILURE, MEDIA CARTRIDGE FORCED EJECT, CLEANING MODE, CSR AVAILABLE, RIBBON TENSION, COVER OPEN alerts.destinations : SERIAL, PARALLEL, E-MAIL, TCP, UDP, SNMP, USB, HTTP-POST, BLUETOOTH, SDK, MQTT alerts.send_current_status_alerts alerts.tracked_settings. alerts.tracked_settings.zbi_notified : alerts.tracked_settings.log_tracked : alerts.tracked_settings.log : alerts.tracked_settings.max_log_entries : 100 , Choices: 0-10000 alerts.tracked_settings.clear_log alerts.http. alerts.http.proxy : alerts.http.logging. alerts.http.logging.entries alerts.http.logging.max_entries : 500 , Choices: 0-10000 alerts.http.logging.clear alerts.http.authentication. alerts.http.authentication.add alerts.http.authentication.remove alerts.http.authentication.entries : weblink. weblink.enable : off weblink.printer_reset_required : no weblink.restore_defaults weblink.logging. weblink.logging.entries weblink.logging.max_entries : 500 , Choices: 0-10000 weblink.logging.clear weblink.ip. weblink.ip.conn1. weblink.ip.conn1.location : weblink.ip.conn1.retry_interval : 10 , Choices: 1-600 weblink.ip.conn1.proxy : weblink.ip.conn1.maximum_simultaneous_connections : 10 , Choices: 1-100 weblink.ip.conn1.authentication. weblink.ip.conn1.authentication.add weblink.ip.conn1.authentication.remove weblink.ip.conn1.authentication.entries : weblink.ip.conn1.test. weblink.ip.conn1.test.location : weblink.ip.conn1.test.test_on : failure , Choices: off,failure,interval,both weblink.ip.conn1.test.retry_interval : 900 , Choices: 1-1800 weblink.ip.conn1.num_connections : 0 weblink.ip.conn1.retry_interval_random_max : 120 , Choices: 0-600 weblink.ip.conn2. weblink.ip.conn2.location : weblink.ip.conn2.retry_interval : 10 , Choices: 1-600 weblink.ip.conn2.proxy : weblink.ip.conn2.maximum_simultaneous_connections : 10 , Choices: 1-100 weblink.ip.conn2.authentication. weblink.ip.conn2.authentication.add weblink.ip.conn2.authentication.remove weblink.ip.conn2.authentication.entries : weblink.ip.conn2.test. weblink.ip.conn2.test.location : weblink.ip.conn2.test.test_on : failure , Choices: off,failure,interval,both weblink.ip.conn2.test.retry_interval : 900 , Choices: 1-1800 weblink.ip.conn2.num_connections : 0 weblink.ip.conn2.retry_interval_random_max : 120 , Choices: 0-600 weblink.cloud_connect. weblink.cloud_connect.enable : on , Choices: on,off weblink.cloud_connect.connect, Choices: true,false weblink.cloud_connect.status : NOT ACTIVE weblink.cloud_connect.connection_key : 0000000000 weblink.cloud_connect.configuration_key : 0000000000 weblink.cloud_connect.configuration_confirmation : none , Choices: none,accept,reject,complete weblink.zebra_connector. weblink.zebra_connector.version : 0.11 weblink.zebra_connector.enable : on , Choices: on,off weblink.zebra_connector.proxy : weblink.zebra_connector.authentication. weblink.zebra_connector.authentication.add weblink.zebra_connector.authentication.remove weblink.zebra_connector.authentication.entries : capture. capture.channel1. capture.channel1.port : off , Choices: usb,bt,off capture.channel1.delimiter : capture.channel1.max_length : 1000 , Choices: 1-3000 capture.channel1.count : 0 , Choices: 0-4294967295 : : cradle. ribbon. mqtt. mqtt.enable : off , Choices: on,off mqtt.restore_defaults mqtt.logging. mqtt.logging.entries mqtt.logging.max_entries : 500 , Choices: 0-10000 mqtt.logging.clear mqtt.conn1. mqtt.conn1.server_address : mqtt.conn1.mqtt_version : 3.1.1 , Choices: 3.1.1 mqtt.conn1.username : mqtt.conn1.password : * mqtt.conn1.qos : 2 , Choices: 1-2 mqtt.conn1.retry_interval_random_max : 120 , Choices: 1-600 mqtt.conn1.clean_session_flag : off , Choices: on,off mqtt.conn1.ping_interval : 30 , Choices: 1-300 mqtt.conn1.reset_now mqtt.conn1.reset_required : no mqtt.conn1.tenant_id : zebra mqtt.conn2. mqtt.conn2.server_address : mqtt.conn2.mqtt_version : 3.1.1 , Choices: 3.1.1 mqtt.conn2.username : mqtt.conn2.password : * mqtt.conn2.qos : 2 , Choices: 1-2 mqtt.conn2.retry_interval_random_max : 120 , Choices: 1-600 mqtt.conn2.clean_session_flag : off , Choices: on,off mqtt.conn2.ping_interval : 30 , Choices: 1-300 mqtt.conn2.reset_now mqtt.conn2.reset_required : no mqtt.conn2.tenant_id : zebra ""