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Attached is the PPT from the MC95 Software Overview webinar held on Oct 1. There was an issues with recording the session in GoTo Webinar - however a recording of the same presentation made to Tier…
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1.  12:17 10/1/2008 2.  3 Day 3.  MC50 4.  PPC2003 Plat 19 5.  1959421 I have Symscript logs attached, customer is complaining about errors such as memory critically low and…
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Hi, I have a policy which has an assoicated condition. AdapterTime.Condition.XML I want an application to run from 07:00 to 23:59 (Hours) on Monday through Friday (include) but not to run on…
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Team, Please see the attached information from the September Voice TAVT call held on Tuesday September-29-2009. In this call, Janelle Burkhart provided an update on TEAM Express, Linda Billhymer…
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09:45/09-30-2009 MC7095 WM5.0 1980248 Customer is not using the WAN feature on his MC7095 terminals and wishes to disable the Phone Activation Wizard from starting up. Other than re-flashing to an…
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Team... Can you downgrade a factory fresh MC1000 from Win CE5 to CE4.2? We have a customer who is locked down on CE4.2 and they are starting to look at purchasing some additional units after a long…
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The XR Series RFID Reader Guide states that the four TX ports can be used as TX/RX ports in "Single Port mode". Is this true of the XR480 EU, is there a Hardware level that is required to support…
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Changing Mobile IE version on OEM 35 MC55 MC75 OEM 35 have both by default IEMobile 8.12 aka "6 on 6" as the browser. Some functionality is not working ok: - Datawedge 31. cannot be configured on…
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15:00/10-06-2009] MC7094 WM6.1 1975114 Customer upgraded multiple MC7094 to WM6.1 to alleviate a DLL crunch issue. Since the upgrade they report intermittent connectivity issues over their GPRS data…
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Has anyone figured out how to decode the MC9500 P/N's (i.e. determine the scanner type, radio type, etc in MC9598-KDCBAC0000U)?  The decoder spreadsheet at…