Highlights from Droidcon San Francisco 2019 with the Zebra Developer Relations Team
Last week the Dev Relations Team had the privilege to represent Zebra at Droidcon San Francisco 2019.

Throughout the course of the two-day event, over 800 attendees showed up to partake in over 70 presentations, panels, and sponsored booths. The presentations ranged from new UI libraries for Kotlin to implementing Augmented Reality solutions in Enterprise Verticals.

During the first day, Zebra’s Pat Narendra had the opportunity to present his talk “Creating Augmented Reality Solutions in Enterprise Verticals” explaining how Zebra uses AR frameworks to surmount the hard obstacles that many companies face an Enterprise AR solution.

On the second day, I had some time to step away from the booth and took that chance to attend “Next generation Android UI with Jetpack Compose” where Pedro Veloso was discussing the new UI library Jetpack Compose from Google. The presentation was well done explaining the library through a high-level overview along with coding examples of how to use the library. Although Jetpack Compose is still very much in its initial stages of development, with an Alpha build still over a year out, the ideas and concepts presented heighten the anticipation of Jetpack Compose.

It was so much fun getting to meet all the developers that stopped by our booth. We displayed some of our printers from the mobile and desktop range, an ET Android Tablet, some rugged TC Android phones, and our brand new HD4000 Enterprise Head-Mounted Display (HD4000).

The HD4000 was definitely a head turner and brought a lot of traffic to our booth. Everyone who got the opportunity to try out the HD4000 was incredibly impressed with the ability to become hands free in an environment where you typically require both hands throughout daily activities.

As most of them had not heard of Zebra, it was exciting to get to introduce them to our products and software solutions and hear their thoughts on how they want to use them and what problems they can solve.

Following on our success in Berlin, London, and San Francisco, we will be sponsoring one more Droidcon in Tel Aviv. You will be able to find us in Tel Aviv December 19th at the Cinematheque in the city.

James Kimball