Industry News - Week of Apr. 18, 2022
IN THIS ISSUE: Building Better Breadcrumbs; Using Progressive Enhancement; Chrome 102 Yields Performance Insights; A Shift to Mobile-First Development; IntelliJ IDEA Analyzes Dependencies; When Testing Input, Test Everything
Leaving a trail of breadcrumbs is perhaps one of the most enduring metaphors not because of its origin in a beloved fairy tale, but for its usefulness as a visual aid. It's a perfect way to describe marking a trail through your site's forest. Here's how to do it right.
Improve Conversion With Progressing Enhancement
Visit a site, click a button, nothing happens. Try another browser. Same thing. Many would label that as a bad site, but it might just be a matter of too much reliance on a single tech, JavaScript for example. Here's how to build resiliency into apps with progressive enhancement techniques.
Performance Insights Reveals Server Issues
Currently a feature preview in Chrome 102, performance insights can help identify and resolve performance issues by providing actionable intelligence based on real-world usage scenarios, according to Google.
The Shift to Mobile-first Development
For decades, web developers have built for desktop and adapted to mobile. But now that more than half of all web traffic traverses the mobile web, should organizations flip the script: develop for mobile devices first and adapt later for the desktop?
IntelliJ IDEA Analyzes Dependencies, Enhances Notifications
Dev tools maker JetBrains has released IntelliJ IDEA 2022.1, the latest version of its Java environment that among its many enhancements can reportedly help resolve code conflicts through a built-in dependency analyzer tool.
When Testing Input, Test Everything
What do software development and dining out have in common? When considering input, it's best not to ignore the specials. If it's not already part of your test department's SOP, testing input of special characters should be. Here's an interesting take on the subject from pro tester and amatuer cartoonist Torsten Zelger.

Edward Correia