Industry News - Week of Aug. 8, 2022

Edward Correia -

IN THIS ISSUE: Facing Backlash, GitLab Reverses its Plan; Don't Treat Docs as an Afterthought; Docusaurus 2.0 Finally Arrives; Most orgs Struggle with App Modernization; Rust-based Malware Leaked; Tutorial: How to Build a Testable Front-end


GitLab Reverses Decision to Kill Inactive Projects

Source code repository and content management site GitLab has seemingly come to its senses. Last week the company announced its plan to automatically delete non-paid projects that had been inactive for just one year. Community responses were swift and, at times colorful. 


Documentation Should Not be an Afterthought

Development organizations in companies sometimes treat documentation as a chore. Treating product docs as an afterthought could have extreme consequences, not just on users' ability to use a product, but on a company's reputation and chances of success over time. 


social-card imageDocusaurus 2.0 Proves Meta Dev Team not Extinct

As if on cue for the story above, Meta has released Docusaurus 2.0, the long-awaited sequel to its five-year-old predecessor. The open-source static website builder uses Markdown for simplicity and React for user interactivity. 


Most Enterprise Execs Struggle with Modernization

Of the 150 enterprise executives interviewed for a recent survey, a staggering 93 percent said their organizations were having difficulty with processes relating to app modernization. Nearly half of respondents said the apps involved were critical to the business.  


Rust-based Malware Leaked

Source code for an information-stealing malware has leaked onto a hacker forum, with the potential to impact untold numbers of Windows machines. Reportedly detection-resistant, the evil app targets browsers, password managers, crypto wallets and other digital assets.  


Your Employees' User Experience Should Be a Strategic Priority

Tutorial: How to Make a Testable Front-end

Google Chrome engineer and long-time web developer shares his insights about "The Good, The Bad and the Flaky" aspects of front-end development strategies for building testable user interfaces for enterprise apps. 



Edward Correia

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