Industry News - Week of Dec. 14, 2020
IN THIS ISSUE: Github: Developers Outproduced in 2020; Apps Script IDE Makeover; Debug Websites on Real Mobile Devices; Google Unveils Android Studio Actic Fox, Gradle 7; KISS: The Key to Responsive Tables; Elastic Cloud Now Supports macOS, iOS
Developer Productivity Shines in 2020
Despite pandemic lockdowns and work-from-home orders--or perhaps because of them--2020 was a banner year for software developers in terms of productivity. Github's so-called State of the Octoverse explains.
Google Revamps Apps Script IDE
The Apps Script IDE, Google's environment for automating apps written for the Google Workspace, has received a long-awaited UI makeover.
Debug Websites on Real Mobile Devices
Take control of the universe of mobile devices with some basic techniques for proofing and debugging a website.
Google Unveils Arctic Fox, Gradle 7 Plug-in
With the release of Android Studio Artic Fox 2020.3.1, Google says it's revising the numbering scheme of its venerable IDE to align with that of IntelliJ IDEA, the environment that underpins it. At the same time according to Gradle release notes, the build system is now a plug-in decoupled from the IDE.
KISS: The Key to Responsive Tables
Anyone that has served in the military is familiar with KISS, an acronym for "keep it simple, stupid." That's the principle behind this tutorial on building web tables by author, speaker and developer Adrian Roselli.
Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud Emulates Apple OSes
One long wait is finally over for app developers targeting Apple operating systems. Amazon Web Services can now emulate macOS, iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, watchOS and Safari. It's pricey and imposes minimums, but it's the only mainstream game in town.

Edward Correia