Industry News - Week of Jul. 15, 2019

Edward Correia -

IN THIS ISSUE: Low-code, No-Code Tools; What's Coming in Android Q; Rasperry Pi 4 Defect; 77-Patch Tuesday; IoT Explosion Warnings; Getting More from Teams

Still Writing Code for Line-of-Business Apps?
Companies that continue to code "the old way" are increasingly unable to keep pace with development organizations that have adopted modern low-code or no-code solutions, according to researchers.  

Android Q to Focus on Privacy, Security 
The exact flavor remains unknown, but the sweet ingredients revealed in Android Q beta 5 released last week make it a treat for developers and consumers, as it focuses on data privacy and user control.   

Rasperry Pi 4 Defect Revealed
Having trouble booting that shiny new development board? A flaw in the USB-C connector might be the culprit. Before returning it to the store, it might be possible to fix it yourself

Microsoft Plugs 77 Leaks
It was a busy Patch Tuesday last week as Redmond posted fixes for no fewer than 77 vulnerabilites, 15 of which were classified as critical. 

Image result for iot explosion
NIST Warns of IoT Explosion
As the exponential expansion of internet of things devices continues, the National Institute of Standards and Technologies has issued some important warnings about how to manage the explosive sensor web that's vastly different from traditional IT systems. 

How to Get More From Internal Teams
As CIOs struggle with overdue projects and lackluster efficiency, the solution might have been in front of them all the while: Company Influencers. 



Edward Correia

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