It’s A Zebra – Google Hackathon! Join us!

Alex Fryer -


In June 2019 Zebra launched their breakthrough data intelligence platform, Savanna. This platform allows developers to use a variety of cloud-based device and ‘service’ APIs on offer, in order to build new and unique applications and concepts to solve complex problems.

The aim of this hackathon is to bring together the idea factory (you), the Zebra engineering expertise (us) and our friends at Google Cloud, in order to build out some exciting, new concepts. 

We'll have a range of interesting challenges to choose from, many very topical in today’s climate (300k tonnes of clothes are sent to landfill ever year!). You will have access to a selection of APIs from Zebra’s Savanna platform and Google, Zebra devices such as scanners, RFID readers (and tags) and printers and of course the engineering expertise from both Zebra & Google.

And of course, a number of fantastic prizes (for each team member, not shared) for the best concepts !! For all the information and registration page, check out the link. Places are limited so register now!


Alex Fryer

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