Zebra at Droidcon London 2019

Darryn Campbell -

October 24th – 25th sees the annual Droidcon London event taking place at the city’s Business Design Centre in Islington.  Yet again, Zebra will be sponsoring the event giving us a booth and the opportunity to speak with and get feedback from event attendees.  It is always good to meet existing or new developers targeting Zebra hardware and has previously led to the introduction of new features (& occasional bug reports!) so if you are in or near London and planning to attend, it will be good to see you there.

Darryn Campbell, Software Architect for Zebra will be talking about how we designed our Intent-based APIs (currently Battery, DataWedge & IrDA with more to come) but rather than talking about specific implementation I will cover the reasons why we chose this route and how you could go about achieving the same with your client-based functionality.

Hope to see you there!

- Darryn

From http://uk.droidcon.com/#program:

If you want to enable Android developers to incorporate your functionality into their app, the process is straightforward, right? Wrap your project a jar file and make it available for download. This works great for libraries targeting a single platform but not all Android developers can easily consume jar files.


In this talk you will discover how Darryn and his team implemented their APIs using Android Intents, making them accessible to most mobile frameworks as well as traditional Java / Kotlin / Xamarin developers WITHOUT having to create a new plugin for every framework. There are many advantages to this approach and they have seen enthusiastic adoption by their customers, but he will also cover the downsides including performance concerns, debugging and device dependencies.

Darryn Campbell

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