RhoMobile Suite Now Available
RhoMobile Suite Is Now Available For Download
RhoElements consists of a cross-platform development framework, providing a robust set of development tools that include the runtime client required on any device running a RhoMobile application. Support for SQLite enables the local storage of relational data, enabling offline capabilities for both hybrid and native HTML5 applications. Its robust OS abstraction layers combined with open standard HTML5 technologies enable cross-platform capabilities and remove limitations on user interface design. Built-in application programming interfaces (APIs) for bar code scanning, RFID, signature capture, printing, file transfer, locationing as well as attached peripherals and accessories make it easy to take advantage of all the features that are native to any given mobile device.
RhoStudio makes cross-platform application development faster, easier and less expensive than ever before. With this complementary and powerful Eclipse plug-in, not only can you program in one of the most common development environments in the world, RhoStudio’s fully featured simulator allows you to quickly develop, debug and test a crossplatform application on multiple operating systems in seconds on a single computer — just as if it were running on a native platform. Simulation has never been easier — just select the operating system you want to simulate from a dropdown box. Since there is no need to purchase, support and maintain different hardware platforms for testing, the volume and cost of hardware required to develop cross-platform applications is greatly reduced.
A large percentage of application development is devoted to making the connections to the backend business systems. RhoConnect substantially reduces this effort by creating and managing those connections for you, including tracking data to be synced when offline users obtain a Wi-Fi or cellular connection. You can simultaneously connect your application to many data sources just as easily as you can connect to one data source — including enterprise back-end customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, web services, databases and much more. Data synchronization is completely transparent to users — and since only the data that has changed is synchronized on mobile computers and back end application servers, minimal data is exchanged, protecting application, mobile device and wireless network performance. With the Metadata framework, managing backend changes is a breeze. Even if new fields are added, RhoConnect updates your RhoMobile applications — no programming required. Since RhoConnect is the first mobile integration server to use the modern “NoSQL” approach to data storage, it easily scales to handle any volume of data. Instead of scaling up by purchasing faster servers and more memory, RhoConnect simply scales “out” by storing data in the available space on any company server, anywhere in the world.
Be sure to check out the online documentation where you can get an introduction, consider different application approaches, follow a tutorial, view a complete list of Mobile APIs and much more.
Some changes to the developer community
The new url for the RhoMobile Suite developer community is now: https://developer.motorolasolutions.com/community/rhomobile-suite
We have merged the pre-existing RhoElements discussions into the new consolidated RhoMobile Suite discussions forums and introduced a new RhoConnect Discussions space. Be sure to click the Follow button so that you are notified of new conversations that might help your development efforts.
In addition to the discussion forums, we have created RhoMobile Suite Developer Reference space, which right now has links to key online documentation as well as developer blogs. Over the upcoming weeks we will be adding more content to this section including videos and tutorials as well as migrating the existing online documentation so that your searches for information will span both discussions and developer reference material.. Be sure to click the Follow button for this space as well to be notified of new content.

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