Twitter Chat with RhoMobile Experts

Anonymous (not verified)
5 Replies
I recognize that the timing of this event will be very late for you. Please send me any questions that you might have and I will raise them to the panel on your behalf.
Thanks for offering to take up cudgels for me, Ritesh. Although not as effective as an interactive session, here are my concerns. Hope I'll also be informed of the responses, though :
1. Why isn't any training on Rhomobile imparted in India, yet you rope in Kutir and Spritle. The mobile market in Asia is growing, and growing fast. Will you guys keep ignoring that? Your choice!
2. Support for WP & BB stopped. Not sure what'll not be supported next! Many people (me included) first came to Rho because of its cross platform capabilities. With the acquisition by Moto, that seems to have taken a backseat. We understand Moto's priorities, but ...
3. Rhohub: Many of us have complained about builds getting stuck, absence of "Cancel Build" feature (in fact it was removed), capability to build for WP(ok, WP8), iOS7 etc etc. But its obvious they've fallen on deaf ears.
4. What will 4.1 offer us? What's the future roadmap for Rhomobile? How is it going to compete with other cross platform tools, or shouldn't it be considered in that category anymore? Will it offer support for Tizen, Firefox OS, Ubuntu? If not, why? I've not seen any blog post on these issues.
5. Have the tech talks stopped? Will they be resumed?
We have spoken in the past about your training and app development needs. Please reach out to me if you want to discuss specific training needs.
Hi Bhanu,
Yes, you did. But unfortunately, my bosses didn't show any interest for in-house training or in-Company training.
Maybe I should've made myself clearer about what I meant in my response above - I meant something like AppForum events where maybe I as well as others can participate in our individual capacities without involving organizations.