Industry News - Week of Feb. 26, 2018

Edward Correia -

U.S. intelligence issues phone warnings; Google gets IoT help from LogMeIn; Exploring Android-KTX; Self-piloted drone; 20th anniversary of open source software

Huawei, ZTE Phones a Threat to US Telecom Networks

Officials from the CIA, FBI, NSA and other U.S. agencies have issued a warning not to use phones or services from these Chinese companies.

Google Buys a Piece of LogMeIn for IoT

For $50 million, Google gets the analytics and data storage components of LogMeIn's Xivley IoT platform.


Robotic Scanner Knows Where to Look

The Institute for Computer Graphics Research​ in Germany is developing a 3D scanner that goes well beyond the "circles and mesh" methods of today.

A Deep Dive into Android-KTX

Joe Birch, an Android developer at social media company Buffer, explores Google's Kotlin extensions.

Artificially Intelligent Drone Flies Itself

Autonomous drone from Skydio, a Silicon Valley startup, uses 13 cameras and a powerful processor to understand its surroundings.

Happy 20th Anniversary, Open Source Software

Open-source industry veteran Simon Phipps looks back at the two-decade climb of the open source movement and ahead to what comes next. 


Edward Correia

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