Zebra DEVPODCAST: It’s A Matter of Trust – Engaging Blockchain
Building trust with your customers and partners is a key component for success in today’s tech world. In this DEVPODCAST, Zebra’s Dan Quagliana interviews Sameer Parekh, CEO, and Himanshu Srivastava, VP Solutions from Qodenext, a Zebra partner for over 20 years. Qodenext, a software and hardware company, is based in India and specializes in traceability solutions within the manufacturing and T&L industry. They are working with Zebra to expand their business internationally.
Imagine this; you just purchased a nice, white fluffy cotton from your local Target or Walmart. It says its 100% cotton, but can you trust this claim? Well, the cotton was collected in Egypt, where it was picked, tagged and placed in bales and the supply chain of cotton eventually lands in India. There have been use cases where the towel claims its 100%, but was not, and this can damage a business’s credibility. With Qodenext, they are able to attach a QR code to that towel to ensure that lot of cotton that made that towel was truly 100% all cotton, before it hits the shelves. With Zebra’s Savanna platform, Qodenext enhanced their traceability solution even more. It allows them to improve the products, engage Blockchain, and gain global exposure. It’s also ensures that its audit ready. It really is a 100% cotton towel – you can believe this and trust that it is. Blockchain allows them to create this trust.
But do people, customers, understand Blockchain? There is a stirring curiosity about it and how it works. Qodenext, as an early adaptor of Zebra’s Savanna platform, allows them to verify through the scan of a bar code on that towel, its authenticity. This makes for a powerful story for people in supply chain to trust that product.
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