Android sendBroadcast intent action name for ZebraTC57 device when hardware button pressed

P Petro Petro 3 years 8 months ago
67 2 0

According to the documentation, the ZebraTC57 device should send broadcast Intents when the hardware buttons are pressed.
Can you give an example actions ( something like "com.symbol.action.ACTION_PRESS_PTT_BUTTON") for intent filters and also for extra intent data for buttons PTT, Back, SCAN.
Thank you in advance!

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2 Replies

P Petro Petro

Hi! Thanks for quick answer! Yes, I used this documentation. I found name of intent action in log file. For example: I receive intent with actions "com.symbol.button.L1" , "com.symbol.button.R2", "com.symbol.button.A". This intents has Bundle extras. My next question: what data types are sended and how to receive them (key names are needed) ?

D Darryn Campbell

Hi, you can use the KeyMap manager ( to specify an action to occur when you press any key for example, sending a Broadcast Intent.  You specify the action yourself though bear in mind the original functionality of the key is changed.  Is that the documentation you were referring to?

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