Best way to remove shortcuts from home screen

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D Druine Alexandre 2 years ago
39 3 0

Hello, I need to deploy hundreds of Zebra TC57 with the home screen without any shortcuts and with a specific wallpaper.

Is there a way to do it without having to make the changes manually ?



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3 Replies

E Edward Correia

Hi Druine- Thank you for using Zebra products. 

Assuming you're referring to Zebra's Enterprise Home Screen tool, yes it is possible to mass-deploy shortcuts (or to force no shortcuts) and custom wallpaper files. The following links will take you to the relevant documentation. 

For shortcut info, start here:

For wallpaper:

Hope this helps. 

Eddie Correia

D Druine Alexandre

Hello, thank you for your answer.

Unfortunately I wasn't referring to Zebra's Enterprise Home Screen but to the original Android Home Screen you access when the device is first powered and untouched.

I would need a solution to remove the shortcuts from the Home Screen, I thought about developping an app as an accessibility service to launch during the deployement phase, which would simulate user inputs to go to the Home Screen and remove each shortcuts but this still wouldn't be ideal.

So I was hoping that there would be an easier way to set these parameters

E Edward Correia

I'm not certain how much work would be involved in removing shortcuts from the default Android launcher, but I can almost guarantee that EHS would be faster and easier. It's free for Zebra customers and sets up in minutes.

Good Luck.

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