Bluetooth not working when in Managed Device mode

S Stig Nielsen 3 years 8 months ago
309 3 0

After enrolling the TC57 device into Google EMM, it not possible to perform a Bluetooth pairing. Fresh out the box the device pairs, as soon as I put the device in Managed mode it doesn't work anymore.
The device is not displaying the PIN setting and after a while it shows an error "...….wrong pin or passkey"
I'm not trying to connect through an application, I'm in the settings trying to pair that way.
I have tried the follow settings com.zebra.bluetooth, without any success
I seems that Managed mode locks down the Bluetooth connect, so I am looking for a way to permit that function again.

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3 Replies

D Darryn Campbell

Apologies for the late response but I remembered this thread after I learned something speaking with a colleague on Friday.  In Oreo when our devices are put into Managed Device mode then all of our value added applications are disabled such as StageNow or DataWedge.  One such application is the device Bluetooth, com.symbol.btapp and you can reenable this package either from your EMM (if the EMM supports enable system app) or through MX AppManager's EnableApplication,  We are looking at addressing / changing this behaviour in future releases as it can be confusing.

S Stig Nielsen

Thanks for the reply, I have looked through the link and found this one that could explain what we are seeing "Bluetooth Pairing Pop-up Enable/Disable"
It looks to me that the pop-up is disabled on the device.
Can you please help me to get deeper into the documentation to locate the format of the Android policy to be applied ?

M Matt Dermody

Do you plan on actually using Google EMM in a production sense or are you just testing it out? The reason I ask is that I don't think it is going to offer anywhere near the management capabilities of an EMM platform like SOTI or WorkspaceOne(AirWatch). Even if Bluetooth is disabled by default as a feature, the Google EMM may not expose any configurable options to re-enable it whereas another more capable platform likely will.

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