Can’t connect ZD220 on internet

// Expert user has replied.
P P N 1 year 7 months ago
226 3 0


I want to print a file from internet to my zebra with a trigger.
I have a zebra ZD220 printer connected via USB and I'm trying to use the SendFileToPrinter API but I can't register the printer online. I created an app, I created my "device" on zebra, I subscribed to the SendFileToPrinter API (FREE).
I followed this page: , I "tried" (not sure if it works) to send my config file to the printer with it:
{}{ "weblink.logging.max_entries":"500", "weblink.ip.conn1.location":"", "device.reset":"1” }

Then I use your online tool: with my settings, and I get an error:

		 "code": "404",
		 "message": "Asset(s) not registered in Asset Ownership Service.",
		 "info": "For the supplied tenant (TENANT_ID), device(s) not registered: D4J223205462 ."

Could you help me please to solve this ?



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3 Replies

S Steven Si

Unlike the Link-OS printers, the ZD220 printers are the Link-OS Basic printers, which do not support the websockets (or weblinks). The ZD220 printers are not capable for cloud-based printing. That's the reason you get the "Asset no registered" error. 

To verify if the printer is capable for cloud connection or not, use the following SGD and check the output.

### Get the weblink logs
! U1 getvar "weblink"



Thanks for you answer.

What are the models to do cloud-based printing like the ZD220 format ?


S Steven Si

Any Link-OS printers will support cloud-based printing. The ZD420 and ZD421 are the Link-OS printers, which are 4 inch desktop printers, the same width as the ZD220.

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