Confirm Condition - How to make it automatically met after a timeout

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A Arsen Bandurian 3 years 5 months ago
1 4 0

Hello. I'm trying to implement scenario similar to one described in MSP help file: Display a message for up to 30 seconds asking the Device User if something is OK.  If he accepts or does not respond within the allotted time then the Condition is met. I followed the help article guidance and came up with the following condition:

First line prompt:
Check-In Now?

Second line prompt:
Think fast!

Third line prompt:

Delay (seconds):

Enable countdown?:

Enable cancel?:

Defer time (seconds):

Maximum number of defers:

Action after maximum defers:
Pass condition

I set this as a check-in condition and deploy to device. I can see the confirm condition, but when it times out - nothing happens (I expect check-in to happen) Tried playing with non-zero Defer time and Max defers parameters to no luck Please tell me what am I doing wrong and how to make it work? MSP3.3.1, agent version 7.07.28  on MC75A6 WM65PE (WEHH fw 03.41.0003). Thanks.

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4 Replies

S Sandhya Rani Ajjaguttu

To add to this, when the delay value is a non-zero value, and if the Device User does not make a selection within the specified time, then the Condition will automatically be considered not met. As you have mentioned the delay seconds as 5 seconds here when no selection is made , the condition will not be met and hence it will not checkin . Suppose the delay value is zero then the message will be displayed indefinitely, until the Device User makes a selection. Thanks, Sandhya.

A Arsen Bandurian

Please look at my original posting: " I can see the confirm condition, but when it times out - nothing happens (I expect check-in to happen)" I CAN see the confirm prompt. My problem is that I need the condition to PASS on timeout, but it FAILS instead.

A Allan Herrod

Please open a case with the help desk for this issue.   I suspect it works, but clearly if it does, then HOW to use it is inadequately documented, at best.  So, please open a ticket and have them open an SPR.  Then engineering can look at it and provide improved documentation, if required, or a code fix, if required. Thanks, Allan

S Sandhya Rani Ajjaguttu

Hi, Inorder to see the confirm condition whenever you checkin on the device, the confim condition should be included in an agent30 settings and sent to the device.After the setting gets installed successfully, on every checkin there will be confirm message window popped up on the device based on the condition that you have created. Hope this helps you. Thanks, Sandhya.

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