Connect to ZXP Series 3 by .NET

L Leo Vu 10 months 1 week ago
74 0 0

Dear all,

I am trying to connect my software to ZXP Series 3 to encode and print the customer card,

I connected the printer (by USB) and setup driver already (can find and encode by PGT software)


I downloaded the "zebra-linkos-mpsdk-nov-2023" and open the demo in "PC-.NET-Card\v2.15.2634\demos\DeveloperDemo_Card_Desktop\bin\Release"

But when i start the demo program and Discover, i can not find the USB printer, it's show empty


Any ideal for my case. BC if the demo can not discover, my project also return empty string when try to discover the USB printer.

Thank you very much,

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