Decode Barcodes from Multiple scanners simultaneously - (CoreScanner API)

T Tim De Klerk 1 day 2 hours ago
5 0 0

I have a simple C# app that decodes and logs barcodes from three Zebra MS4717 Fixed Mount Imager Scanners simultaneously, and adds the decoded barcode, and the serial number of the scanner it came from, to a data Grid View in the app. The barcodes are moving in a continuous stream, so once they pass under the scanners, they're gone, and the next one passes under.

In the app, there is currently one instance of CoreScanner, and one barcode Event Handler. 

This is working, but not all the barcodes always get recorded in the app, even though they do seem to be scanned according to the beeps I hear.

So my question is can you have multiple barcode event handlers, ie. one for each scanner, so that each handler only listens for barcode events from a particular scanner somehow?

Can you implement event handlers/maybe multiple CoreScanner instances on separate threads, so that the barcodes from each scanner are processed asynchronously on the different threads?

I don't really know how to approach this?

ps. I need this to be scalable to six, and potentially even nine scanners all scanning simultaneously to the one app (Windows Forms App on Windows 11).

Scanners are connected to pc via USB, and are in SNAPI mode.

Any help appreciated.





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