DS3678 Simple COM Port Emulation broke pairing

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M Mariano Reggiardo 1 year 7 months ago
609 3 0

We configure the base/scanner  as Simple COM  Port Emulation to read the data from a backend and as soon we read the configuration barcode, the scanner was disconected from the base, and we are not able to reconect it.

A new COM port appears in the computer as soon we conect the base to the USB port, so it seem the configuration work , but the scanner is not able to connect to the base, like dead..  And as the configuration to restore / updtae / reset to factory / etc ..  came from the scanner, we are not beign able to do anything.

does nyone have the same problem?

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3 Replies

R Riad Benallou


Simple COM  Port Emulation is for Win98 or XP . for Windows 7/10/11 the interface to select is USB CDC  
since cradle is not enumurated it does not power up . and needs to be set to default state .
Use following options 

Option 1 : go to registry settings under Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\VID_05E0&PID_0600
Select your device and navigate to devcie parameter 
change settings EnhancedPowerManagementEnabled and DeviceSelectiveSuspended to 0 

Unplug and plug the cradle back , cradle should now stay powered and you should be able to pair the scanner and set it to default or to CDC mode instead .

Option 2 Plug USB port of cradle and quickly pair the scanner and set to default while the cradle  still powered . 

Option 3 : Reboot PC and while PC is booting and prior windows starts quickly pair the scanner to cradle and do set default .

Option 4:  Plug the cradle USB port to 5V power supply ( used for Mobile phones )  . if the cradle power up then pair the scanner and set it to default . 

M Mariano Reggiardo

thanks i will try!!

R Riad Benallou

Here USB CDC interface parameter 


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