Enable/Disable Antennas for FX7500 via .NET SDK?

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M Marshall Ellis 1 year 1 month ago
146 2 1

Looking for a way to enable/disable antennas in the .NET RFID SDK for FX7500??? I'm certain that I'm missing something simple???

Thanks in advance


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2 Replies

S Sean Kennedy

Marshalls question is a good one so Im going to update here on what can be looked at.

The DOT-NET RFID SDK (HOST-BASED) for FX-Series readers - has two sample projects 

Typically found in the Windows Program Files folder under "\Zebra RFID FXSeries Host .NET SDK\Samples\C#"
"CS_RFID3_Host_Sample1" and "CS_RFID3_Host_Sample2"  

Its "CS_RFID3_Host_Sample2" project we are interested in.
In this app - under the "Operations" menu - is "Antenna Info..." dialog.
This dialog allows for an "Array" of active antennas usable in operations.

(Indirectly - this passes a list of "Antenna's we want" for a given operation.)  See the "AntennaInfoForm" files for this dialog.
This is a lightweight Host-Based "Runtime" operation and does not change the configuration of the reader that would be saved to the reader per-se.

Saving to the reader:
The other way is using the RM operation for "Read Points" (These are the ports on the Reader) Where you can enable / disable these.

RM requires the App to Login to the reader to have RM permissions to make changes.  

M Marshall Ellis

Thanks again Sean. Apologies ... this was posted before the support case but appreciate your follow up!

Thank you



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