Has both the 123RFID Mobile application - as well as the Source Code (Android Studio) for this demo utility. This is a Model-View-Controller Java Android App - and the Control/Code for this, is part of the features for the "Tag Reporting" menu.
The API ( This was from previous RFID SDK API V2.0.3.162: ) For getting this Boolean is in this "TagData" API: https://techdocs.zebra.com/dcs/rfid/android/2-0-3-162/apis/com/zebra/rfid/api3/tagdata
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The 123RFID Mobile app Support Portal found here:
Has both the 123RFID Mobile application - as well as the Source Code (Android Studio) for this demo utility.
This is a Model-View-Controller Java Android App - and the Control/Code for this, is part of the features for the "Tag Reporting" menu.
The API ( This was from previous RFID SDK API V2.0.3.162: ) For getting this Boolean is in this "TagData" API: