Encode multiple RFID tags.

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S Swapnil Shende 1 year ago
109 1 0

Hi ,


I want to encode the multiple  RFID tags in a single instance/go with a unique serial number against each tag. 

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1 Replies

S Sean Kennedy

Is this for a Printer application (RFID),  Fixed Application?, Or Handheld Application?

A basic question such as this; the only logical choice is to enumerate the available tag(s) in field - and then based on the enumerated  EPC for the tags - write/update each tag as you filter for them / choose the specific EPC from the previous inventory capture.

So if you only have one EPC inventoried - you choose that EPC - and update the "EPC" memory bank (With correct EPC offsetting) and update the tag.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?