Flutter + Zebra Scanner

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r roberto cottone 2 years 3 months ago
3665 2 0

We have a flutter app and we want to use the below device for barcode scanning. Is there any official plugin for this purpose or any developer guide on how to do it in flutter/dart?

"SYMBOL CS4070 COMPANION SCANNER" -> "https://www.zebra.com/ap/en/products/scanners/companion-scanners/cs4070…;

Akshat Tamrakar

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2 Replies

J James Swinton-Bland


It depends what platform you're targeting as we don't have a specific Flutter SDK. If you're targeting Android, we have a Scanner SDK here which you would need to create a Flutter Wrapper for. If your targeting different platforms (Windows, iOS, etc..) you can check out our SDKs for our dedicated scanners by choosing your product from this list.


D David Brownlee

darryncampbell made a sample flutter app which integrates with DataWedge. We're currently using it to build into our own flutter scanner. There is a version of the demo updated to work with recent flutter at - https://github.com/abs0/DataWedge-Flutter-Demo

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