GPS integration into MSP?

// Expert user has replied.
G Gabor Szeles 3 years 9 months ago
19 2 0

Dear All,

Does anybody know, if  

- it is possible to see logs of the GPS coordinates of a mobile terminal in the MSP?

- is there any API which integrates the GPS data into MSP and show them on the MSP admin interface?

- or GPS data of the mobiule terinal is or will be integrated into MSP? Thanks for any answer, Gabor.

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2 Replies

P Pablo Moriconi

Hi Alan MSP 3.3.1 supports GPS integration?

A Allan Herrod

In MSP 3.3, nothing related to GPS is integrated.  If you want to be able to see the "most recent" GPS position, etc. of a device, as one or more Device Attributes, you could do so by writing your Control Module to use the GPSAPI and put the values in the Registry so they will be reported as Device Attributes.  The information needed to do this can be found in the existing MSP documentation, specifically on pag 167 of Understanding Mobility Services Platform 3.3. We are looking to provide integrated support for GPS in the next version of MSP.  As always, please contact the MSP Product Manager, Daphanie Wallace, for committed roadmap information before sharing any future plans with customers.

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