How to find key code value for HW yellow left and right button in TC27 PDA

// Expert user has replied.
c chetan patel 3 weeks 5 days ago
54 2 0


I am cordova developer.

i tryed to get key code value for Hardware yellow button left and right using "keydown" event but always return  key: "Unidentified" and keyCode: 0

"keydown" even

> Response

can you please give me suggestion for how to get key code value for both button in javascript side?

Thank you


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2 Replies

I Ian Hatton

The yellow buttons are defined as triggers so they can't be detected as keys in standard Javascript. However, if you use Zebra Enterprise Browser then you can detect triggers using the EB.KeyCapture.captureTrigger() method as detailed here :


N Nicola De Zolt

Because the yellow keys will only work with a Zebra device, you could capture the onKeyUp/Down in the Android plugin, such as here in this sample project 

When the key code is captured, pass it back to the common UI code as I did here  with notifyListeners 

Finally, in the js/ts code, receive the value in a locally defined listener such as this one

Please recall that the yellow buttons are mapped to trigger the barcode scanner, so if you just need to scan, refer to DATAWEDGE, which relies on Intents to deliver data and be configured.



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