How to fixed the dimension of QRCODE

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Y Yong Sam Loh 1 year 2 months ago
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2 Replies

Y Yong Sam Loh


I am using Zebra printer to print QRCODE.

The size/dimension of QRCODE become bigger if the contents more data.

The ZPL code as below,

1) CODE with small QRCODE generated.


2) CODE with bigger QRCODE generated.



Please advise on how to fixed the size of QRCODE.

Thank you very much. 


S Steven Si

The size of a QR code is self-adjusted based on the length of the encoded string, the longer is the string to be encoded by the QR code, the larger the size of the QR code. It's the same for the barcode, i.e., the longer is the encoded string, the wider the barcode. This is to ensure the QR code or the barcode remains scannable when the encoded string gets longer. Otherwise, it would be more difficult to scan. To have a fixed size of the QR code, the best practice is to encode a fixed length of string.

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