How to get logs from printer?

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W Willian Pacheco 2 months 3 weeks ago
125 1 0

Hi I need to get all the logs from a ZTC ZT411-203dpi ZPL printer under tcp connection. I have been trying to get the logs with:

! U1 setvar "device.syslog.enable" "yes"

! U1 setvar "device.syslog.save_local_file" "yes"

! U1 setvar "device.syslog.configuration" "info,local;notice,local;debug,local;emerg,local;alert,local;crit,local;err,local;warning,local;" (to configure the type of logs)

! U1 getvar "device.syslog.entries" 

but its always returning an empty string and I don't understand why.

Other commands like this works (but I still cant see the logs of this):

! U1 DO "device.pause" ""

! U1 DO "device.unpause" ""

What am I doing wrong?

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1 Replies

S Steven Si

The command used to enable the syslog was wrong. To enable/disable device.syslog.enable, use "on" or "off" (not "yes" or "no", which is wrong)

! U1 setvar "device.syslog.enable" "on"
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