how to periodically reboot AP6511

J Jun-Hua Liu 3 years 5 months ago
1 2 0

We are deploying hundreds of AP6511 in cafes, but found that some AP6511 halted after running for a couple of weeks. Reboot can recover those AP6511. Is there a way to let AP6511 automatically reboot every 24 hours or so? Thank you! Junhua

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2 Replies

K Kevin Marshall

You can also work with support to obtain the nessasary tech-support files so that we can identify the root cause of these lockups and fix the problem. This way you won't need to reboot the APs. - KM

J Juan-Antonio Martinez

Yes. Put a power programmer between then power socket and power injector mains plug and set it to shut the current off every 24 hours. The mechanical version of these devices is very cheap and affordable (5 euros in Spain, if made in China).

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