Issue with AudioManager on Zebra WS50 - Volume not changing

// Expert user has replied.
D Dominika Krawiec 1 month 2 weeks ago
47 1 0

Hello everyone,

I'm experiencing an issue with the AudioManager on my Zebra device. Despite attempting to adjust the volume, it seems to be locked at a constant level and does not change. Here are the details:

  • Device Model: WS5001
  • Android Version: 11
  • Headphones: HS3100 BT
  • Issue Description: When I try to increase or decrease the volume using the the AudioManager in my app, the volume remains unchanged. It appears to be fixed at a specific level.
  • Steps Taken:
    1. Checked if the volume is not fixed.
    2. Ensured the app has permissions to change the volume.
    3. Tested in AudioManager.MODE_IN_COMMUNICATION and AudioManager.MODE_IN_CALL for AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC and AudioManager.STREAM_VOICE_CALL channels.
    4. After calling the method to modify the volume, the volume bar changes momentarily but then reverts to the previous level.

For clarification, the sound in the app is the voice of a voice assistant, and I want to modify its volume.

Despite these steps, the issue persists. Has anyone else encountered a similar problem or have any suggestions on how to resolve this?

Thank you in advance for your help!

Best regards,

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1 Replies

I Ian Hatton

I think that you need to adjust the volume of the  STREAM_MUSIC_BTHS_LEVEL channel in order to control voice volume level via a bluetooth headset. Maximum volume for this channel is configured via the values 0,15,15 (min, max and preset) so a mid-range config would be 0,15,7


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