Make simple Web App with MK500 scanner

J Joe Schwarz 3 years 8 months ago
44 1 0

I'm an ASP.NET developer. I just want to make a web page that mostly reacts to barcode scans, an example interaction being:
1. Barcode is read, this posts back to the server
2. Server parses the barcode - usually it is a work order # and by being scanned it means the job is complete and the server code will update the database to that affect
3. The web page will refresh with message indicating results (hopefully that work order was successfully updated to status of "complete", but otherwise could be an error message)
Really the barcode scan is just an alternative to the user typing in the work order # by hand.
I would prefer not to use PocketBrowser or EnterpriseBrowser as I want this to be a web app that could work with other types of scanners, like a mobile computer, and using PB or EB would closely couple my code to those API's.
How I want it to behave and have not found in any documentation or (answered) user posts is:
1. Load a browser (either IE or anything else available) full screen by default and not let users close or minimize it
2. Load my default web page (basically I would just make this the home page)
3. Scanner would be on at all times as a users will be walking up to it all the time with work orders to scan - if there's some other program that needs to turn it on/off at the beginning and end of the day that is fine, just as long as they don't need to constantly turn it on/off for every scan
It's # 1 and # 3 that I can't find how to do.

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1 Replies

D Darryn Campbell

For #1, I don't remember if there is a registry setting to get IE to display full screen.  You could write your own simple app to wrap the web rendering engine (…) and hide the task bar (…) OR you could use PocketBrowser / Enterprise Browser as just the rendering engine, without any of the scanning logic.  Another option is to use a different browser but I am not in a position to recommend any alternatives as I have never tried any.
For #3 you should use DataWedge to scan into the text fields in your application:…

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