MAUI Retrieve Profile in Zebra Device

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M Mario Mari 1 year 3 months ago
128 3 0

Hi all, there is a way to retrieve from Zebra device connected the list of profile installed on it and switch beetween them?

I have a general class with GetAvailableProfiles method in my Maui solution.

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3 Replies

S Sean Kennedy

Hi Mario.


Can you clarify "what" profile you are looking at / for?

For example - there are multiple Datawedge profiles used for Applications that use Datawedge.

In RFID - there are multiple profiles used for the setup of the RFID Config for the RFID SDK to work with an RFID Reader.

M Mario Mari

I need scanner profile created/installed on zebra device. 


S Sean Kennedy

There are three default Profiles loaded on Zebra Android devices with DataWedge:

Profile0,  Launcher, DWDemo .

Also this TechDoc may be of Help to You:

There are two demo apps for Android Studio I recommend for first-time developers using Zebra Android / DataWedge.

See the Basic Intent demo.  And see the Data Capture demo -- from this samples page:

Both of these are Android Studio samples - but you can try online / external links to look at Xamarin Forms of these as well as versions that may support MAUI implementations.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?