I have a customer who had been using MC3090 devices and required using the following setting for his application... Start > Settings > Control Panel : PC Connection > Change Connection On MC3090, you are presented with two options: "USB Default" (USB) and "Serial 1 115200" (serial) However, on the MC3190 (CE6) device, going to the same setting only provides one option: "USB Default"; there is no serial option. Can anyone explain how to set this option to serial, if it is even a possiblity? Was the serial option removed on CE6 OS for a reason? NOTE: I have already tried capturing this setting change via RemCapture on the MC3090 and use it on the MC3190, but I receive an error when trying to sync with a PC after setting it this way. For what it's worth, the registry setting is as follows... [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Comm] "Cnct" = "Serial 1 115200"
MC3100 - "Serial 1 115200" not an option under "PC Connection"// Expert user has replied. |
1 Replies
Here is how to connect your MC31XX CE6.0 terminal with Activesync using a serial connection.
The procedure is:
1. Copy RasBook_MC3100.reg (see attached, rename to .reg extension) into /Application and double tap on the file to merge it.
2. Create your own connection setting, start -> setting -> Network and dial-up connections -> Make New Connection.
Choose Direct connection, notice that any name should start with this sign - ' (this is the character just to the left of the \ on the soft input panel), if its not start with ' it will not work.
3. Tap next.
4. Choose Serial cable on COM1: under Select a device;
5. Tap the Configure button and choose 57600.
6. Tap OK, Tap Finish.
7. Tap Start-> Settings->Control panel, Double tap PC Connection icon.
8. Tap Change Connection
9. Choose the name of the connection you just created, tap OK. And Tap Ok again.
10. Connect a serial cable cup or place terminal in a cradle which is connected serially to a host which has Activesync set to allow connections to COM1:.
11. Warm boot the terminal and upon reboot it should begin the Activesync connection process automatically.