MC75A6 Failure to resume from suspend

A Anthony Ambler 3 years 5 months ago
3 2 0

MC75A6 BSP 41 We have a customer in Spain that is experiencing failure to resume from suspend issues on the MC75A6 in the field and I'm having trouble to try and progress the issue. I have them using the registry key from SPR 19910 as the issues appears to be exactly the same, but this is not resolving it. I have several emscript logs with RTlogs but I can't see anything significant in them either. I have attached 2 sets of logs and I would appreciate if someone can check these and let me know if they can see something as the customer temperature is growing fast. unit: 763 date/time of lockup: 14-03-2012, 11:20 hours

unit: 106 date/time of lockup: 14-03-2012, 08:00 hours Units do not respond to a warm boot, only a cold boot or main battery removal can recover them. Thanks, Tony

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2 Replies

Y Yoseff Zlotnick

Tony, Do you remember SPR 21182? I think we handle it with you, anyway, if in this case is the same scenrio like in 21182, you can try and use the fix from there, If not, or it doesn't help, please provide us reproduction step and open SPR. Might be the same issue as in the SPR Eugene mention but since its differant product new SPR is needed.

E Evgene Vigoutov

welcome to the club. seems like SPR21502 for MC9596

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