Moving Customer Packages To New MSP3.3.1 Server

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D Damian Stock 3 years 5 months ago
1 1 0

My customer has decided to move his devices to a new totally separate server and database. The relay server will stay the same albeit with a new set of site subdirectories. He wants to transfer his application packages from the old MSP server to the new one. What is the easiest and safest way to achieve this? I don't beleive he has copies of them apart from on the original server. Also has anyone found a way to get the SIM or phone number from an WM6.5 MC75 when the Telco does not supply it? I assume that it will require an application to interrogate the device. Thanks, Damian

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1 Replies

A Allan Herrod

If the customer truly does not have "copies of them apart from on the original server", then they were taking a real risk and not following the guidelines in the MSP documents, to wit:

Although MSP stores uploaded Packages in the MSP Database, the MSP Database should


not be treated as a "master repository" of Packages. It is highly advisable to maintain external copies of all Package Files that are uploaded into an instance of the MSP Server Software. This allows these Package Files to be uploaded into the same or a different instance of the MSP Server Software whenever they might be required. That said, the Administering MSP document (from which the above quote was taken), has a full explanation of the mechansim(s) available to move Packages from one MSP Server to another.  See Chapter 10, Object Administration. As for the phone number, on a Windows Mobile device, if the phone number is not stored in the SIM by the carrier, then from all the searching we have done, there is NO WAY for an application running on the device to get it.  If anyone has ever found a way around this, I have never heard of it.  So far as we are aware, this is just a basic limitation of the way Microsoft built the phone support of Windows Mobile and is just something we have to live with.

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