vanti has released All-Touch TE Version 2.1.1
All new features, fixes and upgrade information is below, including quicklinks and StageNow, Support for Windows 10, cut & paste cability and more!
ATTE 2.1.1 Release Notes:
Added API to set Speakeasy text-to-speech volume.
Added support for various MC93 keyboards.
Added data and mime values to intents for Action.launch() and Action.launchForResults().
Added support for Velocity Client to send data once the TCP connection is established.
Added API to set text attributes on modern elements
Added API to create dynamic grammars for SpeakEasy.
Added Copy/Paste feature.
Added option to ping specified host.
Added Bluetooth printing support for web.
Client version number added on host profile selection screen.
Fixed an issue with pinch and zoom.
Added API to link function calls to individual screens.
Added boolean support for Action script extras
Fixed Enter key for 5250 sessions on VM1A.
Fixed an issue with scanning \t and \r in WEB emulation.
Optimization for handling many consecutive data packets from host.
Optimization for SSH window update.