No UsbDiscoverer avalable in .net core.

M Matt Jensen 3 years 8 months ago
184 6 0

Trying the Zebra.Printer.SDK in a .net framework 4.7 project it works fine with version 2.15.2634 but in a .net core 2.2 application using the .net standard 2.0 version of the nuget package no UsbDiscoverer is available.

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6 Replies

G Gabriel Leatham

Also having this problem - can only access all features in .net framework 4.7. This is a major issue for our implementation

R Roger Britt

Please, please go forward and implement the needed assemblies to support .NET core! I need it urgently!

H Himadri Nath

guys do u have any timeline on this issue. we need this asap. come on help us out here

R Roberto Vergolini

I have the same problem, I cannot find UsbDiscoverer using .net core platform.
Someone find a solution?

L Lars Thomas Bredland

Same problem here. How can we connect and print using USB in .net 5/6/core?

S Shane Hancock

Is this still an issue? I'm trying to upgrade my app to .NET8 and have found that the Zebra.Printer.Card.SDK nuget package does not support .NET Standard or Core.

What workaround is available?

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