OCR Example on TC58E - SNPE Error

i italo piscopiello 2 months 1 week ago
35 0 0


I am testing the OCR example (zebra-vision-sdk\samples\ocr\ocr-app) on a TC58E device (firmware updated to NE_FULL_UPDATE_13-23-07.00-TG-U00-STD-NEM-04.zip).

I have successfully generated and set both:

  • The GitHub Personal Access Token
  • The ATOM Access Token

I am able to launch the application on the device, and the camera opens. However, after a few seconds, the application crashes with the following error:
Fatal error: load failed - Error creating SNPE object.

Could you please:

  1. Guide me on how to resolve this issue?
  2. Confirm if the TC58E device is fully compatible with the SNPE framework and the OCR example?

Best regards,

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