Profile name not found in current config

M Michael Scalia 1 year 3 months ago
64 0 0

I am trying to upgrade a project to .NET 7.0 MAUI and XamarinEMDK My EMDKConfig.xml hasn't changed, but suddenly none of the profiles will apply. Every one fails with "Profile name not found in current config." I even tried deleting EMDKConfig.xml and recreating a profile using Profile Manager. As a test, I downloaded Zebra's sample MAUI project, "MAUIProfileClockSample" and ran it. The profile applies correctly, but it's not actually using the EMDKConfig.xml. Although the file is present in the project, with the profile XML data added, the code is spelling out the whole profile in the modifyData string (see link to code below), which basically means it's not even using the EMDKConfig.xml file. In fact, I can delete that file entirely from the project and it still works. On the other hand, if I remove the XML string being passed in code and just pass the profile name instead, like it's supposed to work, I get the exact same error as I do in my project. This leads me to believe that either something is just broken in the new EMDK, or Zebra has stopped using EMDKConfig.xml and want us to manually pass the profile xml as a string and just hasn't documented it. Anyone else running into this?


Link to sample: EMDK-Xamarin-Samples/MAUIProfileClockSample1/MAUIProfileClockSample1/Platforms/Android/MainActivity.cs at master · ZebraDevs/EMDK-Xamarin-Samples · GitHub

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