PS20 - Connectivity issues

// Expert user has replied. //Solved
S Stefan Karabin 1 year 8 months ago
57 3 1

We've been experiencing connectivity issues with the PS20 Mobile computers we've delivered to our distribution centers, with these devices losing connectivity more frequently than other models such as the MC2200 and TC72. While we believe the problem is on our end, are there any recommendations or tips, that could to help us address this issue? Additionally, if there are any differences between the PS20 and the other models that we should focus on in troubleshooting this problem, we would greatly appreciate your guidance.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

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Accepted Solution

S Stefan Karabin

Thanks, I found a similar ticket on the Help Desk. I think we're facing the same problem. I should download the newest version of firmware.

3 Replies

S Sean Kennedy

Hi Stefan.
Please open a Help desk ticket to investigate this topic - since some of the recommendations may be site-specific.

S Stefan Karabin

Thanks, I found a similar ticket on the Help Desk. I think we're facing the same problem. I should download the newest version of firmware.

S Sean Kennedy

Super - thank you for updating here.

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