Queries regarding the Zebra barcode scanner and RFID SDK.

H Harsh M. 11 months 2 weeks ago
108 0 0

Hi Devs and Community Experts,
Below are queries regarding the Zebra barcode scanner and RFID SDK:

(1) Are there separate SDKs for the barcode scanner and RFID functionalities, or is there a combined SDK that offers both functionalities?

(2) According to the 'About RFID SDK for iOS' webpage, the latest version mentioned is 1.1.8 - 08/2021. However, when inspecting the code, the RFID SDK version retrieved is 1.1.23. Could you please confirm which version is the latest? (For reference, please find the attached screenshot. 
Website page link: https://techdocs.zebra.com/dcs/scanners/sdk-ios-rfid/about/#version-history)

(3) After upgrading from RFID SDK version 1.0.68 to version 1.1.23, we encountered errors. Is there a migration guideline available to assist in transitioning from the older SDK version to the latest version? Additionally, we are experiencing issues with detecting tags from the RFID model RFD8500, as we are receiving a status of 'not active' from the code with SRFID_RESULT_READER_NOT_AVAILABLE. Could you please investigate this matter from your end and provide assistance? (For reference, please find the attached screenshots.)

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