Reading Temperature Tags (Gen2V2 Select Command)

M Mohan Reddy 11 months 3 weeks ago
52 0 0

We are using FX9600 fixed reader and Embedded Java SDK to read temperature from Tag.

I have attached two documents for your reference.

We are using Magnus - S3 sensors/tags to read temperature information.

We are able to read the memory banks using normal access parameters mechanism. But for reading temperature we need to enable User Memory Bit Pointer Address E0h bit using Gen2V2 Select command and then after 2 ms, we need to read the Temperature code from Reserved Memory Word Address Eh.

We are using RFID API3 (Symbol.RFID.API3.jar) to access the memory bank values. Do let me know how exactly we use the Gen2V2 select command using the above API.

I have attached a screenshot of the Temperature reading instructions from the documents for your quick reference.


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