RFD8500 both Read and Scan API

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I'm trying to integrate the RFD8500 on android with a TC52X. So far I have the RFID SDK (Xamarin) working to read RFID tags. It is not clear how to get barcodes working though. The RFID SDK has a function SetTriggerMode that can enable the Barcode reader, but no data comes through the API on scan.

I also have the EMDK SDK set up, but the scanner list that it knows about does not include the RFD8500. The RFID SDK has no problem finding the reader though.

How do I get barcode reads from the RFD8500, can I use either of these SDKs?


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2 Replies

D Daniel Neamtu


You can have a look here:


You'll be able to download the latest RFID SDK and also a full packed demo showing how everything works, including also the switch between reader and barcode scanning part.

You don't need the EMDK in this situation because a different SDK being used which is the Zebra Scanner Control one, so unless you're using it for other purposes in the project you can perfectly remove it. 



S Sean Kennedy

Barcode Scanning - on RFD8500 - is not accessible to Datawedge on the TC52X - the Datawedge only uses the on-board scan engine.

Likewise the Scanner Framework that 123RFID Mobile app (and source code) for the RFD8500 (Android Studio) can access the RFD8500 Barcode Scanner and switch between the RFID Engine, and the RFD8500 Scan engine when you use the tabs in 123RFID Mobile app.

The Xamarin Sample - does not do this - if you switch from UI for RFID Inventory - and UI for Barcode Scanning - you need to depress the Barcode "Mode" switch on the side of the RFD8500 that has the integrated Barcode Scanner included.

If you try to use this with the RFD8500 with no Barcode Scanner - in the Xamarin app - watch out - the app may have a problem with this.


123RFID Mobile on Android - or iOS - will not have a problem with this.

Sincerely,  -sean 

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