RS5100 more configuration required issue.

// Expert user has replied.
N Nutra Jang 1 year 4 months ago
33 1 0

Users require some configuration of  Zebra ring scanner RS5100

1. Decreasing the laser light during scan

, they told that the light so bright and hurt them eyes. 

they stare the light for long periods in night shift. 

 - Can RS5100 config the aiming light to dot or decrease the Illumination light?

2. Using thumb finger to trig the scan button in several hour per day made them hurt finger,

 I think It's great idea if RS5100 can config to automatically scan in some specific barcode ( code39 and interleave 2 of 5) 

 - Can RS5100 config the auto read mode to scan only specific barcode type?


hope the experts see this Paint Point and help me to solve the problem or advise any idea.

Best Regards



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1 Replies

S Sean Kennedy

Hi Nutra.

Out-of-the-Box the RS5100 when used with a Zebra Android Device can have some settings adjusted - but not to the questions you have above. Since the RS5100 - when reset to factory defaults - will revert to the same Out-Of-The-Box behavior.

There is less that you can do programmaitcally as a result.  Which means you would need to engage Zebra in investigating a Custom Product Request to address your concerns - but this is not free - you will be provided with a Quote for these costs to implement a strategy such as this.

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