Scan to Connect Barcode with DataWedge

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S Sailesh Acharya 1 week 3 days ago
32 1 0

I am currently building a .Net MAUI application that uses DataWedge to listen to barcode scanning events. I have been able to set up a profile programatically and even enable/disable scanning plugin dynamically.
But, within the application, I want to create a 'Scanner Control' section where one of the feature is going to be a 'Scan to Connect' barcode being displayed for the user so that they can just scan it with their DS3678 scanners and it connects with the mobile device. However, I am not being able to find any DataWedge API that generates such barcode. Am I missing anything? I would also love to hear about other potential solutions/implementations where I can get a list of peripheral scanners, send a signal to each one to recognize them and potentially initiate a bluetooth connection from within the app itself. Please let me know if all these are even possible. I'd really appreciate any help/direction I'm able to get regarding this.

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1 Replies

I Ian Hatton

You can do this independently from Datawedge by calling the intent below to show the bluetooth pairing barcode via the Bluetooth Pairing app which is pre-installed on all Zebra Android handhelds:

adb shell am start -n com.symbol.scanning.scanningframework/com.symbol.btapp.BTActivity


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