Second read tried does not get the tag id

A Alber Sanchez 1 year ago
43 0 0

Hi community

I am implementing the RFD40 handheld readers in an Android application with the TC21 computer, but an error is generated. After the reader can read the first UHF tag and get its Tag Id properly when pressing the reader trigger, however when trying to read a second tag the trigger event is detected, but its tag Id is not got. The implementation is in Java and is based on the SDK documentation and the app example with some changes to read only one tag at a time.

The process begins when the reader is detected, and connected, then the user points the reader to a tag and presses the trigger, a beep sounded, and the tag id is sent to be processed it and display the item data and the same time the reader is disconnected. If another tag should be read starts the process again the reader is detected, and connected, then the user points the reader to another tag, but when pressing the trigger and though in the console the START TRIGGER and STOP TRIGGER events are identified, no beep sounded, and the tag id is not got. After a while had passed (about a minute) if the trigger is pressed it works well again and the tag id is got properly. 

It seems that the reading process is not fully completed. I used the sleep command to wait for a second if the process is completed, but it didn't work. Also, I tried not closing the reader connection, but it didn't work either.

In documentation does not indicate any time or command to finish the reading process. So, I am asking for your help to fix this issue.

Thank you in advance for your support.

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